Chapter 11 - Broken Pieces

Start from the beginning

Kouyou knew not if he could pull through this time though. He had already endured so much and considered just letting him die, but seeing Chuuya so distraught was unnerving. She wasn't sure if she even wanted to know what transpired and triggered this horrendous fit that quite possibly ended Osamu Dazai's life. There was too much of her that needed to know what happened. The woman didn't fail to notice the decayed flowers and leaves on the floor. Chuuya was cured but why wasn't Dazai?

Chuuya' s pleading voice filled the air.
"Dazai please! Please!" Yosano seemed to be doing something to do with airways and clearing them. It looked revolting.
The ginger just looked apprehensively at what was transpiring while paying close attention at any change in his condition.

"There's... nothing more I can do. The plant can't be removed or cut, all we can do is wait and see if he can-"
Dazai fell to the side and was choking. Strangled coughs filled the space.
Yosano was stood up. The only one near him was Chuuya.
He held the brunet with tender arms, heart aching at the pained sounds that were heard. Blood leaked around Dazai's mouth and desperately tried to remove the mask before it was filled with the chrysanthemums so Chuuya assisted.
"Osamu! Listen to me! You don't need to be in this pain! I want to be with you! Only you! Just please! Please! Wake up and frickin see it you asshole! I can't lose you over something this ridiculous! I know you physically cant even fathom why anyone would love you. I understand. But please, we can learn together how to accept that love."
Dazai stops coughing and taking his life away and weakly looks up at the ginger from the floor.
Chuuya carefully places the mask on Dazai again so he can breathe.
The ginger laughs.
"Damn it Osamu, you always have a way of tearing my heart out and giving it to you for slaughter. Can't you just ask me like people usually do?"
The brunet weakly smiles before his coughing continues.
"Hey! Hey,"
The ginger lifts the brunet up to lean on his shoulder pulling him into a position that hopefully eases the strain, making it easier to breathe. His head falls on him without any protest. Dazai was so tired and he drops in and out of consciousness.
"Why hasn't it gone Yosano?!"
Chuuya looks at the doctor with pleading eyes.
"I don't know. The only reason would be as a punishment, he still believes you don't love him or he believes he isn't worth your love so he can never be with you. Gosh your love is so frickin complicated. Why can't you two ever be straight forward"
Kouyou resists saying because they're not straight, but refrains. Now wasn't the time. To be honest, she didn't know how to process this situation. Is Dazai dead or not? She just wants whatever will transpire to happen. It's like waiting for an answer that will never arrive.

"Um.... If you wouldn't mind can you leave for a minute. I'll call you if there's anything."
The women look at each other with confusion but complied.
"I hope they know what they're doing" The doctor sighed
"I've never understood those two, even when they were teenagers honey it was like pulling teeth just to get a direct answer most times"
The women looked at each other hoplessly.


The door quietly shut.
Chuuya lifts Dazai from his shoulder and holds him up with both hands holding his head.
Dazai looks at the ginger in front.
"Osamu I- I'm really not... that good with words... you know? Please... I hope you can feel how I feel"
The ginger closes the gap between them and slots his lips perfectly on Dazai's before increasing the force. They move their lips in sync with each others before opening their eyes.

Dazai could feel in the kiss, the care, desperation and utter devotion in just the way he moved. During the kiss, he couldn't help but carefully place his hands on Chuuya's shoulders as an attempt to just feel his perfectly disheveled hair. The entire experience was surreal. When they both opened their eyes, Dazai searched urgently for anything to oppose what he felt. He knew it was impossible for that kiss to be true, it must've been a joke because no one could ever love a demon like him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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