Stage 4= love after

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You taught me what love was like
And even though my feelings were the only ones stayed
We stood by each other through a hurricane
You were there after I reported my sexual assault
You were there when I lost my first pet
You were there when I came out
And I was there when you couldn't eat
And I held your dying body
You were sleeping in my arms and I told you were beautiful over and over again I hoped some part of you would hear it and confuse it as your own thought

You were my best friend
You were like home to me
You saved my life
And I'll always be greatful for every minute I spent with you

But now we're like oil and water
We don't quite mix
Because I loved you
You created butterfly's that felt like hawks

And you felt the same for awhile but as quick as it came it left
And even thought for two years I tried to get you to feel the same way

I know you were incapable of loving me the way I loved you

We have both changed

We have grown

And being around you doesn't feel like it used to

I'll always love you
And if a year down the road you called me and said u needed me
I would drive to your house and hug you
Cause you will always be my person

Even if your not my best friend anymore


 I never once thought i would compare my heart to a forest fire That was until youWarm, spreading and growing as if each sentence you speak is gasoline,  it's hard to breath you can't help but notice the feeling

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I never once thought i would compare my heart to a forest fire
That was until you
Warm, spreading and growing as if each sentence you speak is gasoline,  it's hard to breath you can't help but notice the feeling

You make my heart feel like a forest fire
If the forest fire was the best possible thing
U are the best possible thing


I'm not your type
I'm not a natural blonde
I'm not bubbly
Like she is
I can't laugh and find something to talk about with everyone
I'm not someone everyone knows
That everyone likes
I'm not straight
I'm not effortlessly perfect
I'm complicated
I present myself as someone more annoying than I really am
You like her
Someone who rejected you
Someone who couldn't give a shit about you
That's your type


Little things 
I'm looking for any sign
Any gesture
That you might somehow want me
I read into everything
Every page every punctuation
Looking for a clue
A clue I end up creating
That was never really there


Sweet words
New worlds
A side to you I just discovered
Tender and sweet
U appeared to be  but your just a guy
Drunk and love torn
Looking for a distraction
Who'll be forgotten by morning
A new world we entered together
But you have no recollection
These memory's are just for me
A side to you, I wasn't meant to see

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