
His moral is on the floor when he reaches the stables. He makes sure not crossing paths with anyone when he leaves his stallion in one of the corrals with water. Taking off his ridding gloves, he walks to the hallway that leads to the courtyard.

Jonghyun is a bit relieved seeing so many people working today. They’re so busy he can accomplish his goal: Entering unnoticed and run to his chambers where he hopes to get lost for centuries until he can overcome the shame. He’s close to one of the entrances, but…

"Jonghyunie? You’re home already?" The well known voice of his brother stops him. Once he turns his sight finds the charming young man that’s very happy to see him. "But when did you arrive?!"

Minhyun cuts the distance between them with his large strides. First he gives him a tight hug and once they’re apart, the tall boy keeps smiling that way his eyes seems to be smaller than what they’re really are.

Jonghyun looks away when he answers. "I just did. Didn’t wait for the carriage."

"That’s so good! Father thought you’ll arrive tomorrow and didn’t heard me when I asked to send the escort this morning. If you decided to wait you would be stuck right now." Minhyun laughs loudly when both of them enter the Palace walking side by side.

Minhyun had always been the tallest among the brothers, but Jonghyun thinks he looks even taller because his hair it’s fixed up showing his forehead. Also the Prince notices it’s light blond now  weird thing in his brother who had always preferred dark colors. Jonghyun also is wondering the reason of that extravagant scarlet color on his suit when he notices the decoration all over. "Minhyunie? Are you planning a party? Did I come at a bad time?"

The burst of laughter of the tallest Prince make some maids turn to see him. "No sense! Of course we’re having a party, our brother Dongho just came back from a successful campaign at north and he’s save and sound, and now you’re home so we have double reason to celebrate. You are our honor guest!" Minhyun contemplates his brother’s face before adding. "Of course, that only if you want to, I know the travel was long and if you’re too tired I can make an excuse and plan a little banquet tomorrow morning..."

Jonghyun seems to thinking it through before answering. "No, it is better to make it public today, father will get mad if we don’t tell him I’m home. It is fine."

Minhyun is not too convinced with that smile, but he adds nothing. The truth, he thought it is reasonable to tell everyone the Prince who was studying abroad was back home. Both keep chatting animatedly until they’re in front Jonghyun's chamber that is still illuminated and clean not matter how long had been.

Minhyun leaves promising he’ll be back later and saying he’ll send someone with lunch before that. Jonghyun thanks him, closes the door and lean over the soft pillow, but… Eh?! Who had forgotten that pink wig under the covers?!

More than a hour passed. Jonghyun knows by just looking out the windows. Curtains are shut but in-between the soft silk scape the reddish light of the end of a day.

He fell slept after eating.

Jonghyun didn’t know he was that tired. Even now, he’s surprised by the intensity of the pain on his neck and back after waking up. The journey didn’t felt so heavy earlier.

He walks to the curtains and completely open them. The room gets lighten and everything is warmer. The far sounds of the orchestra that might be rehearsing since a while fills the space and reach every corner.

His reflection on the mirror is a disaster. His hair is messed up pointing every direction, Jonghyun is tempted to run to the closet and look for one of the many berets he left there. He stops at the sight of the loud color on the corner of the room. In such a sober space there’s not way that costume would not catch his eye.

The Prince sighs before letting the smile get to his lips. That was the making of his brother. Since Minhyun reached an agreement between the five of them, he choses their clothes for events. Jonghyun has not complaints. He’s sure his taste to dress is not bad, but Minhyun’s is better if it’s about innovative fashions.


Getting ready takes its time. Jonghyun is in from a long mirror. His pink suit looks completely fine, under his suit jacket a sweater and shirt to guarantee his skin will not be exposed tonight. His hair, it has many tones of gray now and hides his forehead in a nice way. And he’s wearing the most simple black tendrils.

He gets out his chamber and walks down the hallway in a slow pace, what is he supposed to say if they ask him to speak to the guests? His nerves are getting worse.

Jonghyun feels relieved when the familiar voices reach him. They’re together about to walk down the stairs, his two brothers are in deep conversation that seems funny.

Dongho is the first one to notice him. "Oh, Jonghyun-ah! You wake up! Someone told me you were kinda in a bad state!" The smirk of the strongest Prince hadn’t change at all. His brother looks exactly like he did three years ago, his hair very short, dyed black and made up back; his wide shoulders look more imposing on that long pink jacket. A color that could be too sweet for someone that seems so manly and even so it suits him.

"I never said he was in a bad state! I said Jonghyunie looked tired, and that’s why I didn’t want to bother him." Minhyun puts his hand on his brother’s back trying to apologize. He’s wearing a flux so long only someone of his height could properly wear, and how he likes to, the fucsia shirt is unbuttoned enough to show a good part of his chest.

"Are we the only here?" Jonghyun follows them through the long staircase.

"By now. I hope the others will join us soon." Minhyun says a little heartless.

"Since I came here I’d seen Aron-hyung only a few times, father has him very busy all the time."

"Had you been home for a while?" For Jonghyun it was a surprise to hear Dongho was in the Capital, until the last letter he had from Minhyun, their brother was in a mission to protect the Kingdom near the north border.

"I came a week ago I thought it would take longer but enemies withdrew after our last move. I let in charge First General of District."

Jonghyun wants to ask more things but the sound of people waiting at the Dance Hall remembers him this night will be not easy and the best is to focus on keeping the good mood for everyone.

When Minhyun opens the doors, the beauty of the place takes back the best memories to the Prince of gray hair.

The Dance Hall is the biggest indoor space in the Palace. Its tall ceiling are beautifully decorated with modern frescoes, the gigantic bay windows let to see the impressive garden from every angle, some of the glass doors are open and let the nightly cold breeze in with the flower perfume. Floor is brilliant as always and the lights leaves you breathless. But the most marvelous thing are people.

Jonghyun is not someone who is confortable in public, he’s not like his brothers who will take the lead on treating with others; anyways, he can’t deny being out of his country, he missed his people the most. Back there others would criticizing him and make him feel out of place, he was only capable of go through that because he kept in mind many counted on him. And at this very moment, looking at the faces of old friends and smiling peers, he feels at home.

Voices of ladies and gentlemen that wait elegants and smiling, laugh of children playing in the garden, music notes that musicians play time to time as they take care of the last details… Everything is friendly and calming for Jonghyun.

The three Princes enter the room and bow to the guests that soon answer with a similar gesture. They walk in silence to the marble deck from where music will be played tonight. Many ladies that are present for the first time in one of those celebrations will say later how serious and elegant the young royalty is, some others who have the fortune of know them better will talk about the impressive capability of play the stoic card when in fact they’re really awkward.

Jonghyun’s thoughts are far away until he gets hit heavily on the shoulder. Of course it’s Dongho. "Well?"

"Ah." Minhyun smiles to the crowd whilst explains the situation under his breath. Jonghyun doesn’t show how confused he is now. "It seems Aron-hyung will be late. The older of us must introduce the party."

"Oh." Jonghyun would rather have Minhyun as host. He always have been talented on this area. Anyways, if it’s necessary… His lips part.

Suddenly, another glass door is opened and people start to give space to the newcomer.

Aron, the older brother, walks through the room. He has the same hairstyle than ever, his short brunette hair hides half of his forehead. He’s wearing the most eye-catching fluffy shirt that Jonghyun had ever seen and of course it match with his pink… pants.

"Am I too late?" When he joins his brothers, he bows at them except to Jonghyun to whom gives a strong handshake. "Dad and I had a disagreement and we were together until now."

"We were about letting you out." Dongho answers with calm voice.

"Though we want you to do the honor now." Minhyun makes a gesture towards the guests.

"Of course."

And with that, four brothers bows to the crowd.

Aron’s words were precise. Once he finished, music started and people were dancing and tasting the delicious food that were offered.

Princes were still together once they get down to the dance floor.

Aron is happy because Dongho and Jonghyun are home. He’s happy all the brothers could be together again… But…  "Where is Minki?"

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