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Dani Nichols, she was known of by basically every person in the Valley. And not in a good way, she was the school slut. But none of them truly knew the girl. 

Her family wasn't perfect. Her mom was a struggling alcoholic with an incurable disease. And her dad was an addict who struggled to keep a steady income. Her sister was just fighting to keep them together. Her brother was to young to understand anything.

The night before she started ninth grade. Her mom told her that her dad was just being irrational. But Dani had heard differently. The Valley wasn't small and nearly everyone knew, except Dani, even Tory. She found out a few days later from a random kid at school. Her mother had cheated on father, with more then one man.

At first, she was really angry at her mom. She resented her for being such a hypocrite. But then she realized that her dad wasn't perfect. And her mom wasn't either, and maybe they just weren't right for each other. 

He used to visit her on weekends. But, eventually, it became once every couple of weeks. And then sometimes, more than a month would go by. And eventually she didn't hear from him at all. 

Dani fell in love with every guy she ever dated. Whether they were smart or stupid or sweet or cruel, it didn't matter. She didn't like to be alone. And every guy she ever dated asked for the same things. And she almost always said yes. Even though it didn't always make her feel good. And she knew that most guys, after she broke up with them, would always share those photos or videos.

The first time it happened she was up the whole night crying an stayed home for a week, by then she hoped people would've stopped talking. And they had. But the second time it didn't work so well. She spent that month taking a few of her moms pills every morning before school. But by the third time she was okay, at least she acted like it.

Dani Nichols was a broken girl. A broken girl who was constantly built up and destroyed again. That was until she fell for the bad boy with a soft spot, Eli Moskowitz.

EXPLOITED GIRL ❇ ELI MOSKOWITZWhere stories live. Discover now