Chapter 1

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216 likessiriusjames studying 🤓view all commentsteddy bear when will you be finished???- vic_weasley down boy

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siriusjames studying 🤓
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teddy bear when will you be finished???
- vic_weasley down boy

freddieweddie our cousin looking hella fine
- blondeweasley agreed

albums i look better
- scorpion i agree
- rosebush what?!
- flower omg!!!

teddybear when will you be finished???
- siriusjames did you just copy and paste that?
- teddybear possibly
- siriusjames i'll be finished in ten
- teddybear leaving now

littlehugo not teddy simping over james and scorpius admitting albus looks better then james
- molls jeddy and scorbus!!!!
- albums what's scorbus?
- thebettertwin you and scorpius duh

littlehugo not teddy simping over james and scorpius admitting albus looks better then james - molls jeddy and scorbus!!!!- albums what's scorbus?- thebettertwin you and scorpius duh

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foxyroxy pretty girl @flower
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vic_weasley beautiful 🥰

albums @siriusjames you know what this means?
- siriusjames i sure do
- flower go away
- siriusjames never

teddybear looking good lil!
- flower thanks one of my favourite brothers in law
- teddybear you don't have any brothers in law
- flower not yet!!!

Lily & Teddy

Teddy: what do you know???

Lily: huh?

Teddy: about the brother in law thing

Lily: oh
Lily: it's just a joke about you and scorpius

Teddy: is that it?

Lily: yeah
Lily: why are you acting all weird

Teddy: i'm not acting weird you're acting weird

Lily: sure
Lily: wait!
Lily: are you going to propose?!?!

Teddy: what? no of course not

Lily: omg you are!!!!

Teddy: fucking hell
Teddy: yes i'm going to propose

Lily: OMG!!!!!!!!!!

Teddy: lily you can't tell anyone

Lily: oops

Teddy: lily!

Lily: i'm with roxy and she looked at my phone when i screamed
Lily: so technically i didn't tell her

Teddy: just don't let anyone else find out
Teddy: please lily

Lily: i promise teddy
Lily: me and roxy won't tell anyone

Teddy: thanks

Lily: when are you going to do it?
Lily: do you already have a ring?

Teddy: i'm not sure yet and yes i have a ring

Lily; he's going to die teddy

Teddy: i hope not

Lily: you'll officially be part of the family soon!!!

Teddy: am i not already?

Lily: you know what i mean 🙄

Teddy: i know i'm only joking

Lily: now al and scorp have to get their shit together

Teddy: that's like living without oxygen
Teddy: impossible

Lily: ugh
Lily they're so annoying
Lily: why can't they see that they like each other

Teddy: because you don't think that the person you like fancies you back
Teddy: trust me i've been there

Lily: oh don't remind me

Teddy: we weren't that bad

Lily: ...

Teddy: oi!

Lily: ☺️

187 likesteddybear i love this man so much 🤍 @siriusjamesview all comments

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teddybear i love this man so much 🤍 @siriusjames
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blondeweasley a sleeping james in the wild

siriusjames whyyyyyyyy
- teddybear because you're adorable
- siriusjames stop it
- teddybear never

flower hehehe
- foxyroxy hehehe
- rosebush what's this??
- foxyroxy oh nothing rosie

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