"Stop lying to yourself, bub."

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

I had been waiting for almost 15 minutes already. Ilooked at the time, before my gaze returned to Marcus house, practically burning holes into it. It was 7:45, and he was still nowhere to be found.

"I swear, he get's on my last nerve sometimes," I mutter to myself, shaking my head in annoyance, before driving away from his house and toward the school. He wants to sleep in and be late, fine.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

Marcus woke up, being blinded by the light streaming in through his window. A yawn fell from his lips as he stretched his arms out, before returning to his previous position. He turns to his side peacefully, his mind still waking up.

As he gazes around his room, it hits him. He needs to get up and get ready so he can be on time for Y/n. His eyes scream nothing but panic as he looks at the time.

7:15 is what the white numbers on his phone read.

"Fuck," He hurriedly gets out of bed, quickly changing, and doing his morning routine.

He had wanted to get Y/n her favorite flowers this morning as a surprise, along with him being ready on time, for once. He rushed downstairs, grabbed his skateboard and took off to the nearest supermarket, praying he'd make it back in time.
Marcus had made it to the store by 7:25. However there was only one check out lane open with an old lady in front of him, using various coupons to pay for her things. He let out a sigh, knowing he was gonna have to wait longer in line than he'd like to.

Marcus left the store, with the flowers in hand at 7:35. He had hope that he'd make it back to his house in time. He was in such a haste that he hadn't seen the bright yellow fire hydrant that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. His board crashed into the fire hydrant, sending him flying off the beat up skateboard and onto the sidewalk, his head hitting the side of the curb.

"Fucking bitch," He exclaimed in pain. It hurt like hell, however besides the soreness on his forehead he felt fine. Y/n's flowers were still clutched in his hand, reminding him of what he'd been doing before he fell off his skateboard and almost accidentally killed himself.

A drop of blood fell on to the flowers, as he pulled out his phone, the time reading 7:45. He sighed in defeat. He wiped the small amount of blood from his forehead with the sleeve of his jacket, before getting back onto the skateboard.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

Marcus didn't want to know what he currently looked like. All he wanted was to give Y/n her flowers and see her look at him with her beautiful eyes filled with nothing but pride and adulation for him.

He had made it to school at exactly 8:05. Class started at 8:10, meaning he had 5 minutes to skate to Y/n's class and give her the flowers which had caused him a possible minor concussion.

Marcus did exactly that, skating through the crowded halls as everyone headed to their first class of the wretched, stress-filled school day. He bumped into a few people, mumbling sorry's along the way.

He had finally arrived at the classroom, where his girlfriend prepared for her presentation. He swung the door open to the classroom, the time, 8:08. The abrupt swing of the door had caused a majority of the students already in the class to look up toward the boy with slightly mangled flowers clutched in his hands, a bruised forehead with slightly dried blood on it and who was slightly heaving. One of those students being Y/n.

A gasp fell from her mouth as she clasped a hand against her mouth in shock of her boyfriends appearance. As the pair made eye contact he gave her a cute boyish smile. She quickly jumped out of her seat, pulling him out into the hall.

"Marcus baby, are you okay? What happened? Why are you bleeding?" She questioned with a shaky voice, beginning to panic.

He wore nothing but a love-stricken smile on his face.

"Oh my god Marcus, we need to get you to a hospital-" Y/n was cut off with a pair of lips being pressed against hers passionately. The fervor-filled kiss had almost made her forget about the situation at hand. However, when she felt a warm liquid slightly touch her forehead, she was brought back to reality."

"What are you doing, you dumbass, we need to get you to the hospital!" She exclaimed worriedly after pulling away from the kiss. Marcus remained quiet and let the girl drag him out of the school and to her car after she'd collected her things from the class, and notified her teacher of the situation.

As she drove to the hospital, Marcus spoke up, feeling her worried glaces at him, "I got you your favorite flowers." He spoke up, lifting the flowers.

"I seen that bub, thank you. I appreciated that, but maybe you could tell me what happened to you instead."

He nodded, "I skated into a fire hydrant after getting you your flowers and ate shit. I was trying to make it back home by 7:40 to surprise you with them, and me, clearly that didn't happen..."

"Oh my god Mark, you really aren't a morning person."

"You're telling me," He laughed, running a hand through his hair to get it out of his face. His hand slightly touched his bruised forehead causing him to wince.

She shook her head in worry and a little in amusement.

"I leave you by yourself, and you get yourself slightly concussed. God, you're a dumbass, Marcus." She giggled.

"You're dumbass." He responds.

"Yeah, my dumbass,"

"I love you." Y/n turns to him.

"I love you too, to the moon and back." He grins at her.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚

A/N - this is unedited, and marcus is so fine - I can't.

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