We made our way around a corner, to a dresser. Both boys had their guns drawn. Sam walked up, and when Dean gave the okay, he opened the door. Sam jumped as a few rats ran out. 

"Ugh, I hate rats," Dean muttered, stepping back as the creatures ran past us. I giggled, but luckily Dean didn't catch it. 

"You'd rather it be a ghost," I asked, smirking. 

"Yes," He admitted, still looking at the ground. I smiled at the two.

Then, I heard a low growling sound. I slowly turned around to see a dark figure holding up an ax.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, catching the attention of my brothers. 

"Cheyenne, get down!" Sam yelled. I fell onto my hands and knees, as rock salt flew above me. Dean reached down, grabbing my arms and pulling me to my feet. 

"What the hell kind of spirit is immune to rock salt?" He questioned. I looked and saw the thing was gone... for now. 

"I don't know," Dean looked around. "Come on, come one!" he pushed me ahead of him, towards the stairs. 

The thing came back, swinging his ax into one of the shelves and knocking me to the ground. I covered my face, blocking the glass jars from slicing me. I looked up to see the man attacking Sam. This was no normal spirit, that's for sure. I moved back to the wall, knowing my brothers wouldn't want me to get involved when I didn't have a weapon. Dean shot the man again, and he disappeared.

 "You okay?" Sam asked, helping me up. "Let's go, now."

We ran up the stairs and as fast as we could. We burst through the front door, not caring if the cops were back or not. Instead of police, we ran straight into Ed and Harry, again. They held the cameras up and watched us in shock. Dean pulled me along and we ran past them. We got in the car and away from the house as fast as possible. 

Once I was in the car, I looked down at my arms. I had a few cuts from the glass, but nothing too bad. Dean pulled onto the main road and found a motel for us to crash at. 

Dean sat on the bed, drawing something on a pad. Sam was researching on his computer. I sat on the other bed, using some cream to treat my small cuts. I winched every few minutes.

 "You sure you're okay?" Dean asked again. I finished the last one, sticking a band-aid on top.

"Yeah, just some little cuts and scraps," I stated. I stood and walked over to his bed. "Nothing I can't handle." He patted my leg. I looked down at the pad and saw the symbol from the house.

 "You really think you've seen that?" I questioned. 

"Yeah... and it's bugging the hell out of me." he stated. "This whole damn job's bugging me." He looked over at Sam. "I thought the legend said that Mordechai only goes after chicks," he questioned. "It made sense for it to go after Cheyenne and you, but why me?"

"Hilarious," Sam joked. "Legend also says he hung himself, but you see those slit wrists?"

"Yeah, what's up with that?" I questioned. "And the ax too, I mean, that wasn't in the legend."

"Ghosts are usually pretty strict, right, following the same patterns over and over," he looked back at his computer. 

"His mood keeps changing," Dean stated. 

"Exactly," Sam agreed. "I'm telling you, the way the story goes... wait a minute."

I stood from the bed and walked over to him, leaning a hand on his shoulder.

Life as A Winchester Sister: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now