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I walked trough the big iron gate that lead me to a big garden infront of my new school. I looked back at my parent who had already gotten into the car and were about to drive away, i walked straight inside the school with a not so pleased face as i wasnt that happy to move school but atleast i was with my sister now. As i walked inside i noticed my sister who was as always looking mad for some reason. "hey wednesday, do you know where the headmistress is? I think i should see her before i get somewhere here." "Yeah shes right up the stairs, you will find her office, her doors are really big and old you cant miss it" she said ironically. I then found myself infront of the big doors as i knocked 2 times as i heard a loud "come in!" I carefully stepped inside to see a tall woman with platin blonde hair writing something down before smiling at me. "You must be yn the new student right? come sit down." Her office was big and she had a fireplace next to her desk. I sat down infront of her while she was looking for my documents. "Here is your room number and your keys, you will be sharing a room with someone alright?" I looked at her blue eyes and only said a quick "okay" as i was slightly nervous. "Oh and here is your class scedual, its better not to lose ok" she winked at me with a big smile. I politely smiled back at her as i stood up and was about to leave when i heard my name again. "Oh and yn? You will be having a dorm mother from now on, its like a teacher who takes care of you when your in your room." With that i just simply nodded and left. I was now on my owm trying to find my room when i bumped into someone, it was a women my hight with red hair and a cute pair of glasses. She was really attractive so i didnt realise it at first. She looked me up and down and smiled at me." You must be yn, nice to meet you!" I then realised i was still on the floor when i quickly got up. "H-hi, yes im yn, sorry for running into you." "Oh its alright, my name is ms.Thornhill, i will be your new dorm mother" she winked at me smiling like she just won the lotto. I thought it was cute so i smiled back. "Uhm can you tell me where my room is? I cant seem to find it." "Oh yes ofc, come with me" she took my hand and led me to my room with was really big. I looked around when she started talking again. "Tell me if you need anything, ill be in the library right downstairs or in my office, its right infront of your room." I was slightly happy that there was a library here bc i loved to read. "Your quit a shy one right?" She said out of no where and i got a bit red as i havent really said anything to her since we met. "Ill leave you alone now so you can make yourself at home, your roommate should be here any minute" i watched her leave when she stopped and waved a goodbye wich was kinda cute, i was now alone with my suitcase and decided to unpack while i was alone.

So that was the first chapter of my new story, sorry if its a bit short but i hope you like it and dont forget to comment if you have any ideas :)

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