go tell wooyoung about it



wooyoung make me feel

why what's wrong

mingi is being so mean

tf did he do coz i won't
hesitate to kill him don't

no don't kill gin

i would never kill alcohol
i'm talking about mingi

me too


oh you're drunk

yes very and i wanted to
talk to mingi but he's
being really mean to me

i'll go beat him up how
does that sound


okay i beat him up

it's been 3 seconds

he was sitting next to me
so i just punched him in
the face

oh okay good

why is he calling me


answer him maybe he wants
you to see that i hit him

good thinking


"did wooyoung beat you up?" yuna mumbles. she was way past her alcohol limit and, to mingi, it was pretty obvious.

her face was flushed, her hair a mess, lips swollen for who knows what reason and her eyes were droopy and sad.

"no?" mingi chuckles and she grumbles something graphic about wooyoung, "what's going on, baby? why're you drinking?"

"just needed a break." she grumbles. it was then he realised she'd been crying, the slight hoarseness of her throat making it clear.

"why were you crying?" he asks, laying himself on his bed to mirror what he was seeing - her face smushed against a pillow, lips forced into a pout.

"just miss you so much, min," she sobs, tears beginning to fall immediately. he chuckles quietly at her as she whines about how she couldn't live without him and whatnot.

"poor baby," he coos, tapping her nose on the screen to which she scrunches it up and pokes her tongue out, "i'll be home soon. about eighteen days, twenty tops."

"that's so long!" she sobs, throwing herself about in anger, "just leave now. drop out if you have to. of ateez."

"no! i'm not just going to leave now!" he laughs as she sniffs, flipping him off, "we won't be gone much longer, yuna. i promise."

"your promises are stupid." she slurs. she takes off the ring he'd given her and throws it across the room.

"now, why'd you do that?" he questions, not at all shocked by her behaviour. she was always dramatic and irrational when she was too drunk.

"i don't know!" she cries, leaving her phone to find the ring, stumbling and falling over a shoe in the process. "who put this fucking shoe here?" she yells, throwing it to the other side of the room.

"stop throwing things." mingi laughs as she falls back onto the bed, face buried in her pillow. she lets out a short scream before turning back to mingi like nothing had happened.

"how are the twins? are they okay?"

"they're fine. you wanna see them?" her voice was suddenly light and vibrant as she grins happily. mingi smiles back, nodding silently and she picks up her phone, heading to the twins' room.

"here they are." she sings quietly, flipping the camera so she could show him the sleeping babies. as usual, their hands were linked together as they slept and mingi couldn't help but want to cry looking at them.

he lifts his hand to trace their faces on his screen as he always did before he whispers something about how beautiful they were. he then sighs, dropping his hand again, "now show me your face again."

yuna giggles quietly, struggling to flip the camera back to her. she grumbles quietly before she walks out to the living room, finding hyunwoo relaxed on the lounge.

"oppa," she stands in front of him, her phone out in front of her, "change my camera."

he looks at her with a raised brow, not sure what she was asking of him. she groans, "flip it. i can't do it."

he chuckles quietly before flipping the camera to the front view, saying a quick hello to mingi before the phone is snatched out of his hands and yuna is scurrying back to the comfort of her bed.

she lay down under the sheets and gets comfortable before she speaks again. "mingi?" he hums quietly in response, "will you talk me to sleep?"

he grins at her before he begins to talk about anything he could think of, glancing at his phone occasionally to see if she'd fallen asleep yet. he continues to talk until he was sure she was asleep before ending the call and sending his usual message.



sleep well gorgeous <3


are you still there

with yuna?

yes i am why


are you busy tomorrow

no why

can you just stay with her

she's had way too much to
drink and she gets really
bad hangovers

i know

i'll stay here don't worry


there's a mattress in the office

you can either drop it in
there or take it the living
room you'll just have to
move the coffee table

and there's pillows and
blankets in the hallway


thanks hyunwoo

don't stress it dude

i don't mind looking after
her at all

sure she's tough sometimes
but she's my sister i have to

she's not your sister

never mind


it's okay

i'll let you know what's
happening tomorrow


thanks again

anytime dude



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