"Test you— how?"

Ellie deadpanned her and Lily scoffed before replying,

"Maybe the tests were that she wasn't turning into a cannibal fungus?"

Violet rolled her eyes but then Joel shot Lily a look that didn't set well with her. Violet stood up and asked Ellie to elaborate to get this shit over and done with.

"They'd made me count to ten and hold my hand out and then keep it steady."

Violet could almost taste the sarcasm before Ellie continued fed up,

"I think what really impressed them was that I didn't turn into a fucking monster."

Lily shot her sister a look,
before whispering,

"Play nice."

Ellie stood up and Joel stood up as well, as Tess agreed for her to go to the bathroom (wasn't a bathroom, was very much the floor) and threw her a magazine for toilet paper.
Ellie spoke,

"There's not gonna be anything bad in here?"

Joel replied wittily,

"Just you."

Lily snickered next to her as Violet rubbed her temple, the headache worsening, it was probably from the lack of sleep.
Tess and Joel sat back down as Lily stepped away to find somewhere to pee as well.
Joel looked down at his hand which was shaking and still bloody.
Tess spoke softly,


While Joel replied Violet reached into her bag and pulled out one of her tight bandages for hand injuries (or any injury) walking towards the man who stared ridiculously at her.

"Come on Joel.
You know it will heal faster.
Tess tell him—
I need you on your A game."

Violet tuned out the conversation as she beckoned his hand over to hers while he reluctantly let her do what she had to do.
Violet hummed a tune as she wrapped Joel's hand before stepping back and going back to her previous spot with no word. Joel eyes staying on her as she walked backwards.

Ellie and Lily walked in as Violet brought out her food and gave it to her sister before seeing the chicken sandwich Ellie was munching on and silently envying the girl.
Tess stood up walking close to Ellie and said,

"Why are you so important to Marlene?
And don't lie to me,
or we'll take you back."

Violet scoffed knowing exactly why she was so important.
She answered the question,

"Well using all the facts,
they probably thinks she's immune and she's the key to saving the world or some corny shit like that.
You can't save a world that doesn't want to saved."

Ellie's face dropped as she stared at the woman before turning back to them and spoke rolling her eyes,

"You take me back,
you don't get your battery."

Lily ate her food and just watched as Tess scoffed and replied,

"You heard that?
Then you must have heard that he wants to shoot you."

Violet stood up and rolled her eyes,

"Look it's fucking four against one, if she turns we will fucking kill her. We need to leave, daylight flies by quickly."

Everybody ignored her as Tess pressed the girl to answer as she answered and said the exact thing Violet had just said.
Violet walked away done with the matter, she just needed this favour over with so she could go home and get her sister back where it is safe.
Lily walked after her speaking quickly,

"You believe that?
You really think there will be a cure?"

Violet shook her head as she turned to her sister and felt slight pangs of anger hit her stomach.

"No Lily— I don't.
Because this cure will not work.
The world will never change no matter how fucking bad we want it too.
Who says anyone would even take it?
Who says that the people in control would even allow the world to go back the way it was?
There is no way back Lily.
Accept the world we are in,
or it will kill you."

Tears again welled up in Lily's eyes as she snapped at her sister,

"Just because you have lost all hope doesn't mean I have too.
I know the chance is slim,
but isn't a slim chance better than no chance."

Violet rubbed her forehead turning towards her sister,

"There is no cure.
And there will never be one."

The conversation ended as Violet heard Joel speak to Tess fast,

"If she so much as twitches."

Ellie suddenly started making mocking twitches as Lily cracked into laughter walking over to the girl and high giving her before Tess and Violet shouted sternly at the same time,


Violet pulled her sister backwards as they walked outside after grabbing all of their supplies.


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