Chapter 15: Friends and unexpected attackers

Start from the beginning

"Of course," Gregory nodded. "But well done, I'm so proud of you,"

"Thank you Uncle Gregory. I need to get going, I have charms," Tiberius beamed racing off to where a girl was waving to him.

"Who is that?" Gregory asked watching as Tiberius reached the girl and seemed to puff his chest out as he pointed back to them.

"That is his crush, Selina," Harry grinned.

"His crush?" Gregory perked up and actually moved slightly to have a better look at the girl. "He told you?"

"He doesn't have to, I have heard enough about her from him to tell, plus I watched Ron and Hermione have a crush on each other for years," Harry rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Gregory's waist and pressed his nose into his shoulder. "Missed you today,"

"As did I, I am not going to hear the end of this when we get back to the manor," Gregory snorted wrapping his own arms tightly around Harry.


"I may have been annoying them all until I said that I was leaving to come and see you both. I heard something muttered about forming co-dependency before I left,"

"They're just jealous," Harry grinned standing on his tip toes to kiss Gregory.

"Mr Potter!" The call had Harry springing at least seven inches away from Gregory and straightening his clothes on instinct before he remembered he was no longer a student here.

"Headmistress," Harry cleared his throat.

"I am very disappointed in you!" She tutted as she reached them.

"We were just saying hello!" Harry pouted.

"I am not talking about that! I am talking about the fact that your fiancé was in the castle and you did not bring him to meet me!"

"My apologies Headmistress, Gregory this is Minerva McGonagall, the one that managed to put up with myself, Ron and Hermione for six years, Headmistress, this is my fiancé, Gregory Malfoy," Harry smiled proudly making Gregory's chest puff out a little bit.

"A pleasure Mr Malfoy, I believe that you have already had an interrogation, so I will not repeat that," McGonagall nodded her head, but her eyes looked him up and down and then took in his interaction with Harry as well.

"Ah you passed the others?" Harry grinned.

"Yes I stopped them to ask why they were fleeing in such a hurry, honestly Mr Potter intimidating your friends!" McGonagall tutted but her eyes were glittering in amusement Gregory noticed.

"I learnt from the best," Harry grinned. "I added a dash of professor Snape, a dab of Dumledore and a good mixing of your, I'm very disappointed in you, look. It was very effective!"

"I'm impressed, that would have been an interesting mix to see. What are your plans for the rest of the day Mr Potter? I believe that you have not long finished your lesson with Young Malfoy?"

"Yup, he's doing really well, he's going to breeze through his exams," Harry nodded.

"I have a small favour to ask of you Harry, one of my Gryfindors is having a few problem, Mr Gretson, he has amazing skill in Defence, and he wants to become an auror, but when it comes to actually performing the spells while he has the power, understanding and knowledge of them, his confidence and precision lets him down. Would you have him in your lessons with Mr Malfoy for a few weeks, just to help him along?" McGonagall requested primly. Gregory was slightly confused and startled when Harry snorted after looking closer at McGonall's face.

"Crafty Headmistress, very crafty, much more subtle and sneaky than Dumbledore, are you sure that you weren't a Slytherin?"

"Ah there is a little Slytherin in us all Mr Potter," McGonagall smiled slightly, it was in fact very similar to the smile she had worn when she had told Oliver that she had found him a seeker, Harry thought a little nostalgically. "Will you do it?"

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