"You okay, Jay?" Artie asked as he rolled up to her.

"They left me alone to rot," Jayden mumbled.

"Who did?" Tina asked as she sat down next to her.

"Brittany and Santana," the Jewish girl whined. "I've been forgotten. They ditched me."

"What happened?" Artie frowned. "I thought you guys were close."

"We were. But then they decided they'd rather hang out with Finn."

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Tina asked. "I thought he was dating Rachel."

"He was, but then he left her to be with Santana and Brittany," Jayden said as she sat up. She crossed her arms over her chest and slouched down in the uncomfortable chair.

"Is that why she sang that song earlier?" Artie asked.


"I wouldn't let this get you down, Jayden," Tina said gently. "It's obvious they care about you."

"Yeah, I'm sure this thing with Finn is just some way for them to get under Rachel's skin," Artie added.

"I guess," Jayden shrugged.

"Alright, come on," Tina said as she stood up, pulling Jayden with her. "Let's get out of here and go see a movie or something."

"You guys aren't gonna make out the whole time again, right?" the smaller girl asked, raising a brow.

"Pinky promise," Tina said as she held up her pinky, smiling when Jayden linked them together.


The New Directions heard that Rachel was dating Jesse St. James from Vocal Adrenaline, and they weren't happy about it. He was the competition, and they each had a gut feeling that he was up to no good.

Kurt had called an emergency meeting with Mercedes, Tina, Artie, and Jayden. After talking it over, the five teens waited for Rachel so they could confront her about it.

"Hey, guys," the diva smiled as she walked into the choir room.

"Don't you 'hey, guys,' us," Jayden said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"What's going on?" Rachel asked, her smile fading.

"Cut the butter, Benedict Arnold," Kurt scoffed. "We heard about your new boyfriend."

"Look, Rachel, we're all happy that you're happy, but we've worked too hard in Glee Club to let you throw it all away on a relationship that might not even be real," said Mercedes.

"Why?" Rachel asked. "Cause he's in Vocal Adrenaline?"

"Their motto is, 'Aut neca aut necatus eris,'" said Jayden. "It translates to 'murder or be murdered.'"

"They give their dancers human growth hormone," said Tina.

"Look, we're not saying the dude is playing you–"

"He's playing you," Kurt interrupted Mercedes.

"–We just think that until regionals are over, we can't risk the possibility that he is."

"We don't want him to hurt you," said Jayden.

"And none of us want to go through what happened at sectionals again," Tina added.

"Okay, look," Rachel sighed. "Jesse and I might not be true love, but what if we are? I know who I am. And how many chances at this am I gonna get?"

There was silence for a moment before Kurt spoke up.

𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 | s. lopez + b. pierceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora