And even Lu Xiaobai didn't know about this. On the day when he was hired, he was nervous at home, but when the courtyard door was knocked, he saw many people coming in with dowry gifts, like flowing water, one after another.

    He had seen quite a few weddings in Qingshan Village, but Lu Xiaobai, who had never seen the world, was stunned.

    Now those things are still stored in the house where his parents used to live. There is no warehouse or other place in his house. The house is empty, and it is quite big, and there are no people living there, so they put it there.

    There was no work for Lu Bai in the kitchen, but he couldn't help with the work in the yard, and it was inconvenient to move around, so he just sat here without moving, and chatted with Aunt Liu for a few words.

    When it was almost noon, there were only the two of them left in the house, and Shen Changlan was already sweating profusely from cleaning the yard under the sun.

    Lu Bai was sitting in the main room, and when he saw him coming in, he handed over a bowl of herbal tea that he had poured. He was asked to come in just now, and he would make it after the sun was out, but Shen Changlan said that there was not much left.

    Fortunately, the sun was not yet at its maximum, Lu Bai thought so, seeing Orion finish the bowl of tea and poured him some more.

    The clothes on her body were all wet with sweat, Shen Changlan rested under the main room for a while.

    "I'll go wash it."

    He said to Lu Bai, not only sweat, but also a lot of mud on his clothes.

    Lu Bai couldn't help, so he nodded and asked him to wash.

    After all the well diggers had left, Aunt Liu washed the dishes, and Lu Bai paid her and left. In the kitchen, he saw a hunter with mud on his shoes and legs, so Lu Xiaobai limped to the place. Walked in the kitchen, washed the pot and boiled the hot water. The weather is hot, so the water must not be cold at the moment.

    The reason why she did this was that when Shen Changlan was working for him, it was too hot, so she took a bath at his house, and gradually, she even stayed overnight and put all her clothes here for a change.

    Lu Xiaobai poured himself a cup of tea, and Big Gray and Rhubarb stuck out his tongue under the table. The two dogs had eaten well recently, their fur was smooth and smooth, and they were much stronger than before.

    He hasn't done any work for more than half a month, and Shen Changlan feeds him well. There are various nourishing soups, and meat and eggs can be eaten every day. Of course, these are not made by him, but by people in the village or town. Come.

    That's why Lu Bai got a little fatter. He used to be thin, but now he has put on some flesh, which is just right. Even his already fair skin looks much more radiant. He is happy every day when he has more people to talk with. Hearty and energetic.

    It's just that Shen Changlan would kiss him sometimes, which made Lu Xiaobai very shy.

    The sun is getting bigger and the cicadas are singing loudly.

    In summer, this is not very good. If you want to rest at noon, if there are cicadas nearby, it will be very disturbing. It is better if there are no trees in his yard. People wake up.

    The wet mud in the yard has dried up now, and the sun is very hot. There must be few people on the road at this moment, and they are all resting at home to cool off.

    Shen Changlan, who came out of the cubicle, walked into the main room. He rolled up his sleeves, revealing his muscular forearms.

    "Go back to the house and sleep?"

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