He looked indeed pissed off but that's his normal angry face. "Oh...Sorry."

"And don't apologize!"

"Okay..." You say, almost whispering. "But why did you leave me on read?"

"I was going back to the hotel to call you, dumbass!" He says, sitting down on the bed. "How else were we going to talk with all the people around me!? Now, tell me what's wrong!"

"Huh?" The last one caught you by surprise. "Nothing's wrong."

"I call you annoying all the time and you know how I say it, so if it bothered you today, then something is wrong." How is he able to read you like this? He has sides you have yet to uncover but being so observant and caring is something you can get used to. "Plus, you said you wanted to talk to someone, so something's definitely up and...You have been crying. Spill."

You smile so brightly it almost makes him smile too. You love it when he is like this. "Wait, did you leave the agency just to talk-"


You laugh at his stubbornness and how he's trying to avoid your question. Your sadness already going away. "Well, I can't tell you much, honestly..." You only texted Katsuki in hopes to make your mood better. You can't tell him anything about Hawks because he told you to keep it a secret for now. But... "I'm supposed to keep it a secret."

"From me?" He raises an eyebrow like he was offended.

"From everyone. For now, at least."

"Okay, I won't insist, then." He nods his head respecting you for wanting to keep things private for now, even though he really wants to help you with whatever is going on.

"Thank you, Katsuki."

"Yeah, sure, no problem."

"You'll be the first one to know, I promise."

"I don't care if you tell me or not, I just hate seeing you like that." He mumbles, avoiding eye-contact, which made him look so cute. It made your heartbeat a little faster, with a smile it could reach your ears.

"That hairstyle suits you." You noticed it the second you picked up but he started yelling right off the start. You can't help it but tease him, though.

"No, it doesn't! It's the ugliest thing I've ever seen!"

"Are you also wearing jeans?" You say, a chuckle escaping.

"Bye!" He hangs up but it was so worth it because you're laughing so much you almost fell on the floor. Well, he did make your mood better, so you got what you needed.

You hopped in the shower, in hopes of relaxing you a little more. You changed into your hero costume again and left for the agency. You're not sure how you're going to face your brother after what you know but...you can't stay locked up in your room forever. And you have things to do, anyways.

On your way there you felt something strange, though. As if someone was watching or following you. You discreetly looked around but didn't notice anything suspicious.

Then...That's when you felt something you were sure of. The same feeling from a month ago, the same feeling at the USJ and the sports festival...Medea. She was near you could feel it.

You tried to locate her with your wings but you had to be extra concentrated since you were outside with all that noise.

"Y/n!" You hear Hawks call you which distracted you and lost her tracks.

"Damn it." You curse under your breath, looking around in hopes you would spot her with your eyes at least.

"What's wrong?" He asks, looking around as well. "What are you looking for?"

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