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"that's the most intelligent sounding thing anyone's said to me."

I said as I adjusted hold on my textbook, staring at him with a big stupid grin plastered accross my face. I could tell I had scored a point, he chuckled darkly before placing a hand on the frame I was leaning on, it was like one of those stupid sitcoms heather (Duke) watches. He was a few inches away from me, and I felt like I was gonna melt. But I kept up my structure, acting like I wasn't totally taken aback by this boy.

"You can't have met many intelligent people then"

Jesus Christ why was that so fucking smooth. And hot. Don't forget hot.

"Look around Mr new kid, do these people look intelligent?"

I smirked, taking all my might not to giggle like a twelve year old girl, and I'm one sweeping motion I had pushed his arm aside and walked into the hall beyond. Giving myself infinity points as I heard him run to catch up, god, this boy was not quitting was he?

Not that I wanted him to, I was just suprised.

"I never uh, got your name."

I actually laughed at this, something about someone being clueless was just hilarious to me. I've been so used to people knowing who I am, recocnizing me the moment they see me. I felt sort of liberated to be treated like any other student.

"Why should I end the suspense?"

I said cockily as I flashed him a grin Wich he returned. God damnit why was that hot?

Why is everything he does hot?

"No reason not to."

He stared ahead as he walked, squinting slightly even though there was no light in his eyes. But by then it had just hit me that it was something he did. And I know I have said it so many times, but he looked HOT doing it. I think he knew what he was doing because I was falling already.

Suddenly it hit me like a truck load of bricks dropped off a sky scraper.

I was supposed to meet heather.


But there wasn't anything I could do but sigh and say my goodbyes.

"See you around."

Chills, literally goosebumps. He'll see me around!? Why do I hope it's more than just 'around' I didn't see him talking or even looking at any other girl the entire class... 

One can only hope.

I started turning into a separate hallway, before someone looping their arm with mine startled the shit out of me.


I smiled as I turned to face the queen, AKA my best friend.

"Hey heather."

Black And Yellow, The Heather McNamara x JD StoryWhere stories live. Discover now