Part 3

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Harry takes a different route to Hogwarts. Instead of getting on the train, he decided in using the black pegasus that flew to his house one night over the summer. Shadow, he named the creature flaps his wings as they fly above the clouds. The black mane helps conceal them from muggle eyes. Learned that from his fun flying time in the Angela Ford car in the second year. 

A smirk stretches over his lips when a vision fills his mind. Hermione and Draco are snogging in the train bathroom. His plan is working perfectly. He found out Salazar made some desired dust to slowly make Godric love him. He found a lot of things in that manor and some disturbing things like photos of Godric naked and bound in bed. He shudders in disgust. He would prefer seeing Draco tied up and bare naked to his eyes. the side effect of the dust is Harry himself will grow fond of the people he shed the dust on. He does not mind it at all. 

Shadow neighs pulling his attention to the grand castle. Harry smiles and pats the pegasus shoulder to land. They fly down and Harry gets off his back. Slipping an apple out of his pocket, Shadow munches it and flies off back home. In a brighter mood, Harry walks toward the castle. The grass brushed his shoes not making any sound. He only makes a clicking noise when his shoes meet cobblestones in the courtyard. Entering the castle, he makes it to the great hall slipping inside. Some people look at him and return to their conversations.

"Harry!" He coughs from the force of Hermione getting up and slamming against him wrapping her arms around his neck. He smiles and places his hands on her waist to hold them steady. "thank goodness you are here."

"Really? Missed me that much?" He grins at her and notices the blush on her face. Her reaction boosting his confidence. Turning to the Weasley, he nods and sits down next to the intelligent witch. "We were so worried about you. Once Dumbledore told us about your relatives dying and you going missing."

"Yeah, I had to find a hiding spot to keep myself safe. Sorry I did not contact you. I wanted to keep you safe as well." He smiles at her and her eyes soften in love. The dust does wonders and is working well.

"I am just glad you are okay." Hermione turned to her plate and finish her dinner. Harry gathers food on his plate starving. 

"Hey, Malfoy is looking at you, Harry." Harry looks over his shoulder and sees Draco staring. His expression is stoic but his eyes are trying to hide the swirling emotion in them. Harry smirks at him and turns back around. Now that he is in their line of sight, Hermione and Draco won't be able to stop the desire running wild in them. It takes a lot of will to fight against their desires. He wonders when they will break.

Dinner continues on and Harry acts like he is planning nothing. He notes Dumbledore has not to stop staring at him. Harry knows Dumbledore is trying to look into his mind; control him. No one can do that. Not anymore old man. 

"Harry!" Hermione grabs his wrist and they pause. He looks at her and blushes slightly and she reaches with her other hand to grab the goblet that is hers. He looks down at her hand still holding his wrist gently. Looking up at her, she seems to not even notice. 

"Um, Hermione, you can let go of him," Ron says eyeing her.

Hermione looks at them and then down at her hand. She lets go and her blush grows harder as she licks her lips. Harry laughs and lowers his hand on his lap. She seems to not mind touching his skin there for a minute. Ron goes back to eating pushing the moment aside. Hermione though can't. It replays over and over in her mind as her fingers twitch with static on the tips. The warmth of his skin, she could feel the veins where his heartbeat pulses. That was so embarrassing and worse is others seen her. She rubs her hands on her robe and tries to focus on her plate finding it difficult. 

She looks over at Draco and he smirks at her and gesture with his eyes over at Harry. He had clearly seen her keep her hand on his wrist. The smile on his face showing his amusement. Tonight is not her night. First she snogs Draco in the bathroom and then she does not let go of Harry's wrist. 

"I am going to bed. I am tired. Good night." Hermione stops herself in time to prevent herslef to be seen kissing Harry's cheek. Her body is getting a mind of its own and her mind is fighting as hard as it can to stop the actions.

"Good night." Her breath hitches feeling Harrys fingers brush agaisnt her wrist. Her heart is doing summersaults in her chest. Scurrying off, she goes to calm herself down. 

Harry catches Draco leaving as well five minutes later and a smirk appears on his face. He knows where that blonde Slytherin is going. He grabs his goblet and drinks some more enjoying the night. His mind is soon going to revert to the two.

Hermione clutches the sink leaning on it. Her face drips wet from splashing the skin to wake herself up. What is wrong with her? That burning inside her hasn't left after snogging Malfoy. It feels like it grew even more when she grabbed Harry's wrist. She must be under spell to feel this hot.

"Hermione," She gasps lifting her eyes to the mirror. Draco is pressed on her back with his arms around her waist. She turns around and opens her mouth to ask him what he is doing but he clamps his lips on hers.

Her mind clouds and imagines it is again Harry kissing her. Hermione moans against his lips wrapping her arms around his neck. Harry or Draco is going to be the death of her. Hermione might not know it but it is the exact same reaction as Draco. Every time he kisses Hermione, half his mind sees it is Harry kissing him back. A raw desire swirling and controlling his actions to get more even if he knows it is Hermione he is snogging with.

"Draco, wait." Hermione shoves him off her lips. "I can't do this. Every time you kiss me I keep seeing Harry and this is not right."

"You really are the most intelligent witch of the century. I see Harry as well and I just can't stop." They make eye contact and their lips slam back together with passion. Draco lifts Hermione up and carries her to one of the bathroom stalls. He enjoys her fingers tugging at his hair and his mind once more imagines it is Harry spurring him on. 

"This is so wrong and right at the same time." Hermione mumbles against Draco's lips not pulling away. She can't stop the urge, the need to be flushed against Harry/Draco's body. Draco's hands begin working on the button of her blouse needing to feel more skin against his. Want more. Need more and the entire time thinking it is Harry he is with.

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