Part 3 - Room of Requirement

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"Welcome Students! Today marks the day of a new school year, and it is so lovely to see you all here today." Dumbledore says while smiling. I ignore the rest of what he's saying and start to read my book again. It's only when Professor McGonagall starts calling out names do I start to listen.

"Longbottom, Neville!" "Gryffindor!"

"Crabbe, Vincent!" "Slytherin!"

"Dove, Frances!" "Hufflepuff!

"Granger, Heromine!" "Gryffindor!"

"Goyle, Gregory!" "Slytherin!"

"Weasley, Ronald!" "Gryffindor!"

"Martin, Connor!" "Ravenclaw!"

"Malfoy, Draco!" "Slytherin!"

"Potter, Harry!"

The last two names caught my attention. Draco Malfoy was part of a family like mine, and I had known him most of my life, our families will be proud that he's in Slytherin. While Harry Potter, well, everyone knew who that was.

"Gryffindor!" The sorting hat said after talking with the potter boy for quite some time. 'Eh, the choice makes sense' I thought before going back to my book. In my peripheral vision, I watch Draco and two other boys coming over to the empty spots beside me. "I wouldn't sit by her if I were you." A Slytherin girl says. "Well, it's not your choice who I choose to sit by is it?" Draco sneers, before sitting beside me, waving the two other boys off. "Hello, Draco," I say softly, not looking up from my book. "Hi," He says. "Congratulations, your parents will be very proud that you made it into Slytherin." "Thanks," He says with a soft smile on his face. I smile behind my book and ruffle his hair slightly. He half glares at me and tries to get his hair back to normal. I laugh softly at his attempts.

Soon enough Dumbledore is finished with his announcements and the food appears. I start to get up and Draco grabs my sleeve. "Where are you going?" He asks. "I'm not very hungry so I am going to head to bed, goodnight Draco," I said. He seems to buy my excuse and lets go of my sleeve. Looking over to the Gryffindor table I see the twins grabbing some food and getting up as well. I leave the Great Hall and start heading up the steps to the Seventh floor. Once I'm on the seventh floor, I head over to the left corridor and think of a soundproof, comfortable area with books and a warm fire. There, a door appears and I walk in.

The room is painted green with gold accents, with bookshelves lining the walls. Velvet couches make an open square in the middle of the room, with food and pastries on a table in the middle. Soft instrumental music plays in the background. I sigh softly before going over to the bookshelves and looking at the different books lining the walls. I'm shocked to see some muggle-written books with magical books, as I only imagined books by famous wizards and witches. I see Gilderoy Lockhart's entire book series and I immediately grab all of them before tossing them in the fire.

"You must really hate him if you are burning his entire book collection." I hear one of the twins say. "He is a fake, of course, I hate him." Looking over, I see Fred and George walking toward me, one of them soaking wet. "Why are you wet?" I ask George. "We were walking by some of the new Gryffindor first years and one of them cast the wrong spell that caused me to get doused in water," He says, "or a least I hope it's water." I chuckle softly before pointing behind me where towels were hanging. George walks over and grabs one while Fred grabs a grape from the middle table and sits beside me, his arm resting on the back edge of the couch behind me.

George sits on the other side of me and rests his wet head of hair on my shoulder. "Ew, get off," I say jokingly while pushing his head away. He laughs while saying, "But you are so comfortable and I just want to be close to you," "Too bad, shouldn't have been in the danger zone of a first years spell," I say while scooting closer to Fred. Fred pulls me closer to him and pushes George away with his foot. I laugh as George falls off the couch. "You wound me, my lady, for choosing my brother over my fine self," He fibs. "You two look the exact same," I say. Now it's Fred's turn to be fake offended. "My lady, how could you possibly think we look the same? I'm obviously 10x more handsome than the wet fellow!" Fred proclaims. I laugh at their antics and they both smile at me. I lean into Fred more as George gets back up on the couch.

 I cast the hot air charm (I couldn't find the incantation) on George and soon enough he's all dry. He immediately sees that as an invitation to lay his head on my lap, his arms wrapped around my legs. I smile and start playing with his hair, leaning my head back on Fred's chest. Fred's arms wrap around my waist as he lays his head on my shoulder. "How did we end up in the position?" I ask them both. "No idea," Fred says, his words muffled by my neck. "I don't know, but I do know I'm not leaving this position for a while," George says, tightening his grip on my legs slightly. I shake my head softly. 'I don't want to leave this position either,' I think, continuing to play with Georges's hair.

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