Part 1

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The orange fades behind the black horizon. The night is nearing closer and closer in blue hues. His lips stretch into a grin. He straightens his jacket standing beside his packed things. 

"It is beautiful, isn't it?" He glances back down to the pool of blood beside his muggle family. "The end for us and a new beginning for me."

Grabbing hold of his suitcase, he turns to leave the house. Harry Potter takes a deep cleansing breath of air standing on the sidewalk. Glancing down at the vial in his hands, his smirk disappears. He glances down at his wrist at the mark that appeared an hour ago on his sixteenth birthday. Sixteen allows him to do things legally at a certain point. Scoffing, he gulps down the blue liquid and closes his eyes waiting. His magic swirls calmly for a second. A pang hits his stomach and he opens his eyes glowing green. Putting the empty vial inside his black suit jacket, he walks down the street with his luggage in hand. He makes it to the park finding the figure waiting for him. The black cloak waved with no wind but its magic. The hood turns to show no face.

"Master," a submissive deep voice reaches his ears.

"It is time to go." Harry looks down at the bony fingers stretched toward him. He lifts his hand with the mark on it and lay his flesh on the bone. 

The world spins and his stomach is squeezed before all of it stops. As quickly as it came it left. Blinking, Harry stands before the Potter manor. The cold presence of death is gone. He did not expect the figure to lurk too long. He was a means of getting him where he needs to go. He walks to the closed gates. He reaches his hand out feeling the shield on it.

"I, Harry James Potter, claim lordship of the Potter family." His words echo in the silence of the night. 

The shield under his palm vibrates and is removed allowing him in. Stepping forward, the gates open for him. They close behind him once he passes through and the shield for security and protection lifts up. Harry is back in his rightful place. Home. The huge mansion of white cement and green garden will be remembered forever in his memories. He feels the magic keeping the house strong and protected from any that are not of Potter's blood. He places his hand on the right brown oak door and closes his eyes.

"Open," He hisses. 

The wood groans and Harry opens his eyes seeing the same mark on his wrist glow red on the door as it opens letting him in. He read about this place. It used to house Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin. He feels the Slytherin magic shrouding the place and the strength of Gryffindor. Walking inside his eyes take in the tall ceiling foyer with two staircases going up to the second platform.

"I am home."

He snaps his finger and waves in the air. A parchment appears following his hand and a layout of the house is marked on the parchment with black ink and writing. It is like the marauder's map except it is a map of the Potter manor. He memorizes every corner and hallway, each floor, and its contents. He folds the parchment and tucks it in the other pocket of his jacket. 

Walking up the steps he heads to the master bedroom. He flicks his wand at his suitcase and everything flies to its place. Clothes are in the big wardrobe, bathroom necessities are in the joint bathroom and books line the bookshelf near the window. He flicks his wand again and the decor of pure white walls darkens to black marble with gold frames. 

He walks to the door next to the bathroom and opens it. His eyes widen upon the round room surrounding the cauldron above a black cold firepit. A private potions room. Cleaning the webs and dust, the vials gleam under the dome glass ceiling. Lighting the fire and using a water spell to fill the cauldron, Harry looks over what potions are still filled. Healing potions, dark potions, love potions, sex potions catch his eyes. There is a potion for sex. He turn a bottle of dark red liquid and read the description in the back.

'A drop will have any person begin growing a desire for you. Two drops will be enhance the person's arousal and desire. Three drops will make the person become horny for the day. Four drops is the max amount to allow the person to become loyal to you and please you in bed.'

Scoffing, he puts the bottle back in its place. He does not need a sex potion to charm who he wants. Trailing his eyes over the rest of the potions, he swirls the caouldron with a long wooden spoon. An image appears and Harry leans in. A female with curves in the right place, long brown curly hair and fair skin. She is sitting with her knees tucked on a chair reading a book.

"Hermione," Harry whispers staring down at her gorgeous features. He stares as she tucks a strand of loose hair behind her ear. He imagines a set of diamond earring dangling and a glittery white dress hugging her figure. Harry has never revealed his affection for Hermione but now things are different. He is not going to be so gentle and kind anymore. He wants her and he will have her. He loved her the very moment he saved her from that troll. He loved seeing the fear in her eyes and hope for him to save her. Smiling, he turns the water removing the image. He twists around but pauses upon another image appearing at the corner of his eye. Turning back, Harry's eyebrows crunch together.

Lounging on a couch, a leg on the edge and the other bent to help prompt the hand holding up a book. A loose mangled suit with three buttons undone gives the person a magnificent charm. Harry tilts his head trailing his eyes up the lean form of his nemesis. Draco Malfoy. A hand squeezes his heart and makes it begin beating harder. Harry noticed he gets like this every time he looked at Draco. Is he interested in the male? He gasps and looks down surprised. His heart pumps faster the blood rushing down and Harry feels heat rise up to his face. He is aroused.

"I-I don't understand." He speaks to himself. Looking back at the image, Harry follows the hand ruffling those blonde locks. He has always followed his instincts and wants. Now, his instincts want Draco and Hermione. Groaning at the ache in his groin, he removes the image and goes into the bathroom to relieve himself. 

"Master," Death appears before him. "Hermione and Draco are your chosen mates. That is why you react this way."

"thank you." the cloaked figure leaves and Harry sighs getting into the shower. He washes and then goes to the kitchen to eat. His mind does not stop replaying those images of Draco and Hermione. It haunts him and he loves it. Harry lifts his eyes to the table he sits at imagining Hermione on his right and Draco on his left. 

His plan was to deal with the war but now, he has new and more pressing matters to attend to. He has to look after them. Grow a friendship and maybe, just maybe, something more. 

Rise of Evil Harry PotterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz