Eighteen | Miracles do Exist

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Mike's POV

I can't believe that out of all the things that could have happened during the war, Eddie died. He died before he got to graduate! He was only twenty, he had his whole life to live! Those stupid demo-bats really have to ruin everything! But, I can't be mad. That'll only make things worse. There is no way to change what happened, so instead of being mad, I'm going to let everyone know that Eddie Munson was not a freak. He was a hero.

"Hey, Dustin?" I said.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"We're all really sad about Eddie's death, but what if when everyone comes back to Hawkins, we let them know that Eddie Munson was not a freak, but he was a hero to Hawkins and that we could not be here today if it wasn't for him. I think they all deserve to know."

Dustin wiped his eyes and formed a small smile, "I really like that idea, Mike, I really do. We need to tell everyone the truth about Eddie."


A week later


Lucas's POV

Everyone is back in Hawkins, and they are all okay and really glad to be back home. Everyone comes to visit Max and I for two hours of the day. Max has made zero progress on waking up, and some of us are starting to lose hope.

"Do we even know if she'll ever wake up?" Mike asked while staring at Max' lifeless body.

"We can not lose hope, Mike, I know she'll wake up." Eleven replied. I sighed before closing the book I was reading to her and setting it on the stand. I glanced out of the window, watching little kids playing with their parents like nothing ever happened. I'm really happy about it, that the kids have no clue what happened a few days ago, but also it was upsetting, seeing everyone enjoying life, while we were all sitting in a hospital room, praying our friend would wake up.

I glanced around at everyone, Mike, Will, Dustin, Steve, Nancy, Eleven, and Erica. All of us surrounding Max's bed, eyes filled with tears. "Please, Max, wake up." I whispered to her, nothing in response.


Three days later


Nancy's POV

"Steve, Steve! Wake up! Lucas called, saying Max might be waking up! For real, this time!" I shook Steve, who was not waking up. "Steve, come on!" I pulled the blanket cover off of him, finally making him wake up.

"Wait, what?" Steve said in a whipser voice.

"Lucas called saying Max could be waking up! Get dressed!"

"Wait, really?" He asked.

"Yes, really! Hurry up. Everyone is already there!"

Once Steve got ready, we headed out the door to head to the hospital. I really hope this isn't a false alarm. It's been horrible without Max. We're all sad all the time.


Max's POV

I woke up, opened my eyes, and I couldn't see.

What the heck? I tried rubbing my eyes, and I still couldn't see. "Hello?" I said.

"Max! You're awake!" I heard a voice call that sounded extremely familiar, but I couldn't remember who

"Where am I? Who are you? Who's Max?

"You're Max, Max Mayfield, and I'm Lucas, Lucas Sinclair. You don't remember?"

"No, I don't remember."

"Oh my god.." Lucas mumbled before tearing up.

"Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital." Lucas told me.

"What happened?"

"Well, there was this person, Vecna, who would attack teenagers from the mind. He got to you, Max. We saved you from him once, but then the second time this kid, Jason, stepped on your Walkman. We couldn't save you in time. He broke your leg, arm, and left you blind. I promise I'll do anything I can do to make you remember everything, and maybe find a way for you to be able to see again."

"Are you the person who read me all of those books?"

"What books?"

"The books, all I remember that there was a voice who read my stories every day, I can't remember the names.."

"Yes! That was me! You remember something!"

The door opened, and a ton of different voices entered the room.

"Max! You're alive!" A voice exclaimed.

"Thank God! Thank God! You're awake!" Another one called.

"Oh my gosh, Max!" Eleven. That was Eleven's voice.

"Eleven?" I called out.

"Wait, how do you remember her, Max?" Lucas asked me.

"I.. I don't know. But, is that Eleven?"

"Yeah, I'm Eleven. What else do you remember?" Eleven replied.

"We were on the street, and you picked up my skateboard. I hated you, I can't remember why. Then we had a sleepover, where I read you a couple of comic books, since you never heard of them. After that day, we kept hanging out and went to the mall, where you dumped this one boy, but you got back together with him only a few days later." I continued, "Then you moved away to California after your dad passed away. That's all I remember.."

"El, she must remember you because you were one of the most important people in her life. If she remembers that much about you, she must've really loved you." Another voice told her.

The door opened again, and two more voices entered. "Oh my gosh! Max, you're awake!" Steve called out.

"Steve!" I exclaimed.

"Wait, the doctors said she was brain dead.. How does she remember my name?"

"Steve, this is all so weird. She doesn't remember her name or anything besides you and El. We think it's because you two really changed her life or something like that." Lucas told him.

This is all so weird..

A month later


Lucas's POV

Max was out of the hospital, but she still couldn't see or remember much, but she was getting better. She was able to walk since it was an easy fix.

"Hey, Lucas? What's this yellow flower called?" Max suddenly asked me.

"That's a sunflower. Wait. How did you know what color that flower was?" I asked her.

"Well, I mean, it's pretty obvious it's bright yellow - Lucas! I can see!"

"Wait right here, Max." I ran inside, "Guys, Max can see!" I practically yelled.

"Are you serious?" Steve asked, I smiled and nodded. Eveyone ran outside to go see Max. Her eyes, which have been foggy blue since she went blind, was the color of the sky again.

Everyone was asking her questions about what color is this what color is that, and just when I thought this was the best news today, I was proven wrong.

"You're Lucas Sinclair." Max suddenly said.

"Yeah, I am." I laughed slightly.

"I'm Max Mayfield. We were dating."

"How do you know that? Did someone tell you?"

"Right before we went to defeat Vecna, we kissed. I ignored you for the longest time, and I took Ketamine. My stepbrother Billy passed away, and I shut everyone out." Max started recalling memories.

"Wait, you remember all of that?"

"I remember everything!" Max exclaimed.

Now I know miracles really do exist.

𝑁𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝐹𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 || 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑦 ||Where stories live. Discover now