♤Civil Wars: Part 1♤

Start from the beginning

Pema asked the two wondering where she was. Jinora mentioned that she left while Meelo said that she ran away. Upset about it, Tenzin volunteered to find their daughter. Kya and Bumi also agreed to help find the young girl.

Cut back to the outskirts of Wolf Cove, followed by the interior of Tonraq's house where there is a meeting. Y/N Along as he sat next to Korra with his head on her shoulder while Amane sat next to Korra's mother.

Tonraq: Thank you for coming, everyone. I know these last few days have been very troubling.

Then Varrick entered the conversation,having a plate of cookies to himself and Zhu Li standing behind, making everyone turn their attention to him.

Varrick:  Troubling? Troubling is when I get that itchy rash that won't go away, and Zhu Li's not around to scratch it. This is shocking.

Stands straight and drops cookies off the plate before tossing the plate to the floor.

Varrick: Nay, sickening! But these kale cookies? Opposite.

Then he turned to look at Zhu Li to remind him about the cookies recipe. Though Y/N glared at Varrick for two reasons. One for dropping the cookies Korra's mother made and for being here in their house.

Tonraq: What's your point, Varrick?

Varrick: My point is,—

Grabbing a few more cookies for himself as he continued to speak.

Varrick: Unalaq's already booted our chieftains out of their palace. How long before he starts telling us what kind of cookies we can eat?

At that Y/N catched the cookies that were about to fall and began to eat them. Korra just looked at him like he was a cat. Amane just rolled his eyes while Senna smiled seeing how he was.

Varrick: Rhetorical question, Zhu Li, you gotta keep up. Not to mention, I've got a cargo ship full of halibut that's rotting thanks to this harbor lockdown? Who wants to buy a ship full of stinking fish?

Varrick then slammed the plate to the floor but when he looked at Y/N he shivered seeing the glare before he apologized and continued.

Varrick: Seriously, it's not rhetorical. I need to sell these fish.

Korra stood up making everyone turn their attention to her now as she spoke her part.

Korra: Chief Unalaq is here to help the South. He wants to show us how to restore balance with the spirits so they'll stop attacking.

Varrick: The only spirit I'm interested in restoring is our spirit of independence. Am I right, people?

The people started to agree with Varrick but Korra continued hoping it would change their mind.

Korra: All Unalaq is trying to do is make our tribes unified again.

Varrick: No, he wants control of our wealth. My wealth. And I like my wealth. If Unalaq doesn't pull his forces out, then we have no choice but to fight for our freedom!

He claims as he made the gathering agree once again in anger making Korra confused but also frustrated.

Korra: You want to start a war? Are you crazy?

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