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I felt out of place. After obstructing the path of at least five people carrying heavy stuff like the cameras, lights, reflectors, I stood in a corner. Everyone seemed to be busy in some or the other work while I had no clue about what to do.

'Ruhan sir is here.' somebody shouted and the gabbling in the room has suddenly been replaced by mostly silence and a few faint whispers.

'Good morning Ruhan, you look handsome as hell.' I cringed as soon as it reached my ear and turned in that direction to see who that desperate woman was.

'Thank you Sana.' Ruhan replied with a smile that lasted less than a second.

'I've called you last night -' she tried saying something but he politely ignored her but talking something to the guy on his left.

'I heard you are getting married. Congratulations man.'

'Thanks Sir.'

'Hey Ruhan.' I heard another female voice and wanted to roll my eyes at the female attention he was getting.

'Neha!' he turned back to her to hug her.

'Neha ma'am has also arrived. Shall we start the pooja.' The director asked the pandit and that's when I realised she's the female lead, though I remember seeing someone else's picture when I met the director for finalising our deal.

I stood to a side, waiting for someone to acknowledge my presence, I am the screenwriter after all. Except for the security guards and those five men whose path has been obstructed by me, it feels like I'm invisible to the rest.

The lead actors of the film were getting their pictures clicked while I zoned out.

When I was wondering if I were  a fruit, which one would I be, I hear someone calling me.

'You are Aashna, the screenwriter right?' it was Ruhan, standing in front of me, initiating a conversation with me. No body acknowledged me until then and the first person to have a conversation with me on the set is the Super Star Ruhan, how cool is that! ( Off the record, his beauty is not limited to on screen. I gotta tell Meera about this.)

'Umm-' he might have started reconsidering his decision to talk to me.

Reply to him goddamnit

'Huh? Yeah, I'm her- I mean I'm the Aashna- I'm Aashna, the screenwriter.' I cursed myself silently for stammering. That happens each time I zone out and am suddenly supposed to talk.

'I'm Ruhan.' he introduced himself as if it was needed.

'Ofcourse I know. Who doesn't?'

'Right. Also I must say, my dad's pretty pleased with the story too.'

'Oh.' he looked at me as if he was expecting me to elaborate my reply.

'That's fine.' I added and that was the moment I wanted to bang my head to the wall.

Who replies that it's fine when they are being praised?

'Well, see you later.' he said, smiling awkwardly and left.

I should immediately join any classes that teach how to talk in public. It's not been even an hour since I went there and have already ruined my reputation.

What a great way to start my journey in the film industry!

And what would he be thinking about me? Will I be perceived as someone who's arrogant, who doesn't want to talk to people and lacks basic social skills or as someone who has an insane crush on him and was at loss of words when she met him. It was hard to decide which one was worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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