Chapter 9

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Henry pov:

There was someone knocking on my door making me wake up. As soon as i opened my eyes i saw ralph sleeping soundly next to me, his arms around my waist. I tried to get up but my back started throbbing from last night. I groaned a little.

"psst ralph" I whispered to him trying to get him up.

After 5 minutes, ralph finally opened his eyes.

"what is it hen?" he said in his morning voice and yawning.

"can u let me go, someones at my door" i asked.

He yawned again, "yeah" He then let go of me and got up.

I quickly put on some joggers i found in my wardrobe. I walked over to my door and opened it.

"Hey henry, can i talk to ralph for a bit?" My mum said.

"Um sure" I said. I turned to ralph and said, "Hey ralph, my mum wants to talk to u. Put on some clothes."

Ralph got out the bed and put on his joggers and shirt he left on the floor (he has no other clothes). He walked towards me and gave me a kiss on my forehead and smiled. I walked past my mum and ralph to get to the bathroom so i could shower, brush my teeth and wash my face.

Mums pov:

"Ralph are u staying over today or are u going home? Im just wanting to know because im making breakfast and idk if u wanted some." I asked him.

"Yeah i guess i can stay for a bit. I'll just let my parents know." He replied.

"Also uh are u and henry together?" I asked.

"Well I'd say we are but im not sure about henry" He said laughing a bit.

"I guess i will go make the food then" I said, "See u later ralph"

Ralphs pov:

After she went downstairs i walked towards the bathroom. I knocked on the door.

"Hen can i come in?" I asked, i didnt want to disturb him if hes doing something.

"Hold on" He said, kind of shouting.

He then opened the door for me. He was wearing just a towel and was brushing his teeth. He went back to the sink to spit the toothpaste out/wash his mouth. I walked behind him and put my arms around his waist and put my head on his shoulder. Henry was startled.

"What are u doing ralph" He asked while washing his face.

"Mm" I just hummed. "U smell nice."

I could see henry smiling in the mirror. I then gave him a hickey on his neck.

"What was that for" He said while splashing water at me and laughing.

I began laughing with him.

"Peter, henry, ralph breakfast is ready. Its pancakes!" Henrys mum shouted.


horrid henry x rude ralphWhere stories live. Discover now