Chapter One: Pieces:

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Lily Roberts was sitting in the cell she and her boyfriend James were sharing at the prison. Woodbury had joined Rick's group a few months previous and Lily spent most of her time hunting with Daryl, reading to the kids when Carol needed a break, or hiding in her cell if James had left a bruise that was hard to hide. 

Speaking of the devil.

James stormed into the room as Lily was eating the last few bites of 'squirrel steak', as she jokingly called it one day, which had earned a chuckle out of the grumpy hunter, Daryl Dixon. 

"You went hunting all day with him again without asking me!" He growled lowly, shutting the cell door behind him.

"I-I was just hunting, honey. Just trying to do my part around here. Daryl's a friend."

James snarled and grabbed her plate, slamming it against the wall.

"Wonder if he'd still be chasing after your tail if you looked as ugly as I see your cheating ass," he grabbed a shard of the glass and then took ahold of Lily's throat with his other hand, before cutting into her face, avoiding her eyes carefully, "You need to see how I see you too," he growled.

Lily's screams filled the cell and the rest of the cell block. It wasn't long before someone had run to get the leaders of the group and James was shot off of Lily. 

Daryl consoled the sobbing Lily while Rick checked to make sure the bastard he shot was actually dead. He'd suffer the repercussions of the council for killing the ass later. 

Daryl lifted Lily into his arms and ran her to Hershel and Dr. S in the medical ward they had set up, trying to keep himself calm despite all the blood all over his friend's sobbing face.


Negan's POV: 

"Save him."

A tan man, dark haired young girl, and a blonde woman rushed to me. 

The girl stood back nervously while the man and the woman kneeled beside me.

"Lily, you're in charge," the man told the blonde woman, whose hair was coming loose from its braid. 

She turned her wide green eyes to him in panic before swallowing and nodding to herself.

I just continued to watch them as I held my hand against my gushing throat. 

"Hey, it's okay. Let me help," the angel voiced woman spoke gently to me, moving my weak fingers off my gushing throat. 

I focused on her green eyes, freckles, the scars littering her pale face, and the way her brows furrowed in concentration. 

I got to see Lily, the girl Enid, and the man Siddiq plenty the next few weeks before Rick and his council moved me to the cell. 

A few years go by. The cell is fairly boring. The only entertainment I have is when Gabriel comes by to talk, which is basically me frustrating him, or when Judith would stop by my window to ask questions about her homework or why adults were stupid or liars. 

Then someone moved into the apartment above my cell. 

The first time I heard her sing, she's singing with Judith.

Beautiful by christina aguilera

"Don't look at me

Every day is so wonderful

Then suddenly it's hard to breathe

Now and then I get insecure

From all the pain

I'm so ashamed

I am beautiful no matter what they say

Words can't bring me down

I am beautiful in every single way

Yes, words can't bring me down, oh no

So don't you bring me down today

To all your friends you're delirious

So consumed in all your doom

Trying hard to fill the emptiness

The pieces gone, left the puzzle undone

Is that the way it is?

You are beautiful no matter what they say

Words can't bring you down, oh no

You are beautiful in every single way

Yes, words can't bring you down, oh no

So don't you bring me down today

No matter what we do

(No matter what we do)

No matter what we say

(No matter what we say)

We're the song inside the tune (Yeah)

Full of beautiful mistakes

And everywhere we go

(And everywhere we go)

The sun will always shine

(The sun will always, always shine)

And tomorrow we might wake on the other side

'Cause we are beautiful no matter what they say

Yes, words won't bring us down, no, no

We are beautiful in every single way

Yes, words can't bring us down, oh, no

So don't you bring me down today

Ooh-oh-oh, yeah

Don't you bring me down today

Yeah, ooh

Don't you bring me down

Ooh, today."

Judith was singing off key and laughing, encouraging the woman to sing with her. They laughed and sang loudly above me. I found myself smiling at their joy and looked forward to my neighbor singing again. 

Lily's POV: 

Daryl is pretty much never in Alexandria anymore, so instead of staying in his empty house, I decided to move to one of the open apartments. Turning over a new leaf. 

Misha, my tabby cat with blue eyes I found last year, followed me around curiously as I packed the last of my things before leaving Daryl's, Misha following beside my feet. 

The apartment was pretty much just a studio apartment but I wasn't going to complain. It was mine. No smelly animal hides, dirty bloody soaked laundry, or cigarette smoke, in this place. 

I lit a cinnamon scented candle and began unpacking the last of my things. I hadn't even noticed my place was directly above the prison cells, but I'd figure that out soon enough. 

Judith decided to come over and visit and we had fun singing and dancing, dressing up Misha in Judith's old baby clothes, and doing each other's makeup.

Despite Judith being a kid, she never really said anything about the scars on my face. Though I have had them since she was a baby. She asked once, last year, why I had scars, if it was an car accident or something. I told her a watered down version of the truth. A bad man attacked me and cut up my face, her father and Daryl saved me, and that was it. No more questions. Aside from, "Do they hurt?" To which I had chuckled and told her they stopped hurting long ago. 

Which was true. Physically. 

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