"I'd love to go out on a date with you," Harry insists, giving him a reassuring smile. "Just tell me the time and place, and I'll be there."

Louis scratches at his arm lightly, looking down to Harry's lap. He's wearing the cutest pair of baby blue shorts with an embroidered dolphin on the side. 

"Today? Now? I was thinking maybe a picnic in the woods or meadow? Saves us going anywhere outside the estate that could cause unwanted attention. Can just be me, you, and the sky above us," Louis suggests, tilting his head in wonder.

Harry purses his lips and nods slowly. "Alright, I can do with a date now, with a picnic." He pats Louis' outer thigh. "Come on then, Sunflower, show us the way to the picnic basket."

Louis stands and stretches. He sneaks the bunny into his bag, chucking his black hat with the skull on the front inside with it, propping his sunglasses on the top of his head. He reaches a hand out, and Harry is quick to take it, smiling toward Louis and it's like a flock of birds are swirling within his tummy, brushing their feathers along the lining that it almost tickles and causes his breath to leave in an instant. 

They wander downstairs and into the kitchen. Mabel has gone out for the day, as it's one of her only days off. So, for once, they have the big kitchen to themselves without Mabel's slide remarks and cheekiness over the fact that, yeah, they flirt a shit ton to each other, and it gets her all knowing and sly. Makes Louis sick. 

They busy themselves in making cheese and cucumber sandwiches, Louis squirting salad cream a little too much onto his slice of bread, that he decides to be a little shit and slap the remains off onto Harry's cheek, causing Louis being held over the sink with water gushing from the tap for thirty seconds, getting his face and hair wet. Not to mention Harry squirting a shit load of washing up liquid that bubbles began foaming out of Louis' lips from where he breathed it in.

It was a whole mess, but when Louis scowled at Harry for a beat, the pair bubbled with laughter, which then ended up in them both kissing each other affectionately.

Louis has no idea what they are, but he God damn enjoys whatever they are. 

They pack a picnic basket found in the pantry dusted in cobwebs, Harry stepping back in case a spider so happens to jump out, meaning Louis has to be the big boy and clean it all out. He then spots a tomato stem from the side of the sink, cupping it in his hands and turns to Harry.

"Oh, Harold," he coos. "Watch out!" he screams, lobbing the stem at Harry, causing him to screech and jump so far up in the air, Louis is surprised he didn't hit his head on the ceiling.

Harry slumps against the table, hand to his heart. "I am actually going to murder you, and thanks to us being in a private area, no one will fucking find you. Arsehole."

Louis frowns falsely. "Aw, boo, what happened to calling me Sunflower and peppering me in kisses?"

Harry looks to Louis, shakes his head. "Not anymore."

Louis gasps. "I am so offended, and I am now going to eat your white chocolate and raspberry muffin that I so happened went out and got the other day for us to share. But no, I am now going to be the one to eat the lot." He shoves everything into the basket, grabs the handle and leaves the room with Harry trailing behind.

"But that was my muffin," Harry whinges.

Louis bites back a smile. "No more it ain't."

He casually begins whistling, skipping his way toward the meadow.

"Louis Tomlinson!" Harry yells just behind him. "Get back here with my muffin!"

Louis takes a glance over his shoulder to see Harry beginning to charge his way over. The thought of being chased pulses adrenaline through his body, and he begins full on pelting through the black gate that leads to the ponds, passes those, rounds around the mansion and toward the golf course, feet flying toward the river where the red wooden bridge takes them to the meadow.

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