Act II - Consequences

Start from the beginning

That day Izumi got home crying and babbling incoherently, she hadn't paid attention to what the others had done after they saw Izuku, they all just ran, like cowards, from the broken body of the person whom they wanted to protect.

She didn't leave her room at all, even when her parents called her from her room after they got home from work, fearing what would happen if they knew what she had done to Izuku, her twin, her Brother. She and her friends killed him, she knew they did, and the guilt was worse than anything she had ever felt in her lifetime, so she wept.

It wasn't until she felt lightheaded that she left her room to go get water, then when she stepped into her kitchen did she see her father standing on the phone next to her mom. Both deathly pale, tears going down their faces.

"M-mom? D-dad? W-what happened?" Stuttered Izumi, eyes still puffy from the crying she has done minutes prior.

"I-it's Izuku, h-hes been m-mu-murdered." Stuttered Inko before she started wailing into Toshinori's shirt, losing all composure.

"Naomasa is supposed to be coming over here with everybody, go have a seat and try to compose yourselves." Said Toshinori, struggling to keep himself together.

The family made their way over to the living room, before they all broke down into an incomprehensible bundle of wailing and sobbing until they heard knocks on the door.

"I'll go get it." Said Toshinori, disconnecting himself from the pile of limbs and tears that was his wife and daughter.

When he opened the door he saw his close collegues and friends Enji Todoroki, Rei, their children, Shota, the UA staff, Gran Torino, The Bakugo's, and Naomasa. All standing outside on the porch, and among them he could see obvious tear streaks.

"Come in." Toshinori croaked as the group made their way back into the living room and took seats wherever they could obtain them.

"I would like to speak first on this matter Toshinori, NONE of us except the Todoroki's were even aware of the fact you have a son. Why didn't you tell us?" Said the one, the only, Stoat rat god man.

"I wanted to keep the existence of my kids out of the system until they had received their quirks, so when the day came to show them to the public, Izuku is quirkless, and I was embarrassed of that fact and decided to keep him away from the system, permanently." Said Toshinori, knees shaking out of fear of how the others would react.

Before anyone could respond Enji's voice boomed across the room "You kept your son's existence a secret because you were worried what the public would think if they ever found out that your son is quirkless? You are embarrassments as parents, It took me until Touya ran away to turn off of the path that I was on. But you two? It's taken your child being MURDERED!" As Enji spoke his fiery beard flared up, and before he could speak more Rei and Fuyumi both put hands on his shoulders to cool him down and prevent a quirk outburst.

"Before this goes any further than it already has, Shota and I would like to present current information on this case to all of you, at around 3 pm today we received phone calls about noise complaints in a park not too far from here, we sent an officer to go investigate and there he found Izuku's body, what was left of it, on the scene we found blast marks, ice, burns, and blunt impact points around the area, along with one of Izuku's eyes, arms, and legs." Stated Naomasa.

At the revelation of this information Mitsuki Bakugo ran to the trashcan and immediately vomited, and Rei looked ready to follow behind.

"Following security camera footage around the area we saw a peculiar sight, I am going to present the footage now." Said Aizawa turning on the TV.

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