[EN-] Fear To Love (Oneshot)☄️

Start from the beginning

"Hurm okay, let's okay, Eunchae"

"Tch... what a waste of my time"

So that boy is Niki? It sounds familiar, but I don't have time to remember it and continue walking to my class. After a few steps, both me and Eunchae finally arrived at the dungeon, and thank God that we were late. Both of us immediately took our seats and waited for Professor Snape like other students. Minutes passed, then Niki and his friend entered, along with Professor Snape; there was no smile at all, that's for sure.

"Now...I believed all of you already knew my name so let's just skip the introduction, today I will just give a basic knowledge you have to know about potions...so now, open page 203"

"Psst...hey peasant...hey do not ignore me"


"You look stupid"

"Oh okay"

"Lame reaction tbh...I expect for-"

"crying? Try more mister"

"You, Hufflepuff over there! Do not talking in my class!"

"B-but, he's the who-"

"10 points deducted from Hufflepuff"

What in the world just happened?! Did he just deduct points for something I didn't do? What a great way to start your day, I guess. I just sighed and looked down at my book while I could feel that Niki just smirked evilly in front of me. Relax, YN; it's only been one day, and don't let this boy ruin it. That's what I wished for. However, it appears that it does not come true.


"Hello peasant, happy to see me?"

"Stop it Niki...i-it's really necessary for you to bother me everytime?"

"I will mess with you until you learn to bow before me"

"Yeah...like why exactly though?"

"You seems not afraid with while others begged for me to spare them for good"

"So I have to fear you? That's all?"

"Fear and respect me...that's-"

"And you will stop bothering me then?"

"yea- what?"

"Yeah, I mean, you said you want me fear you...so if I do so, and you will stop bothering me right"

"Tch- I don't promise that, darling but maybe...?"

I sighed and left him alone. It's already Year 3, and this freak still continues to mess with me. Like, that one time in flying class, I almost fell from my broom thanks to him. Eunchae said to me that there are rumors that Niki actually has a crush on me, which explains why he always bothers me every second he can. I don't really believe that rumor, especially what I heard from Niki earlier; he just wants me to respect and fear him, that's all.

"Hey YN! There you are!"

"Oh Hey Jay, what's up?"

"Come on, do you forget something?"

"Eh what is it?"

"It's picnic day, we planned this day, remember?"

"Oh shoot,sorry I really forgot about that"

"Now no need to sorry, and let's go, others are waiting"

Jay immediately grabbed my hand, and both of us walked from there together. I can feel that my cheeks have started to heat up a little as Jay holds my hand. I kind of have a crush on him, so yeah, that's why. Besides having a headache with Niki, Jay is always there for support and guidance, even though both of us are not in the same house. He's a slytherin like Niki, but more gentlemanly and kind than him. Well, it's not that wrong to like your brother's best buddy, am I right?

"They finally here"

"Good timing, you found her, Jay"

"Yeah, I am a good in searching"

"YN, don't tell me that you forgot again, I literally talked about this this morning!"

"Hehehehe sorry, Eunchae...Busy with something else so yeah"

"Come on now, let's gaur"

While others were leaving one by one, it was me and Niki who had not yet left. As I wanted to walk, a hand pulled me from behind and pinned me to the wall near us. When that person pulled me, an instant fear came in and I gasped. It was Niki. I was confused as hell as I looked into sharp, dark eyes. I lifted my head to look at him, as he is taller than me. He just stared at me with a stern face.

"Feeling scared now?"

"Wait what?"

"Scared with me, love?"

"How I supposed not feeling scared when someone pulled me like that you-"

"You sounded scared when I did that but...you are really red when I pinned you like this, darling"

"S-stop it...I am not"

"Yes you are...just say you like me too~"

"No... I don't like you and your attitude too"

"Oh? Or you just fear to love me?"

Yeah...this suck fr but I hope this makes sense cuz it don't to me T_T

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