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"And you decided not to tell us that you have a dragon? That too the Cannibal?" Viserys questions his last daughter from Aemma.

"I did mention it in my letter to Aegon. It's not my fault that he hasn't perfected his High Valyrian and couldn't understand that I've claimed the mighty Cannibal." Alyssa answers as she examines the model of Old Valyria in her father's room.

"You and Aegon exchanged letters?" Viserys asks surprised completely unaware of the fact. 

"What do you mean? You didn't know that your cherished son exchanged letters with the younger sister of your oldest?" Alyssa questions oblivious to the King's negligence with Alicent's children.

"I mean..... that child never told me." Viserys says.

"I see." Alyssa replies as she takes one of the dragons from the model and examines it. It was larger and sculpted more detailly in comparison to the other dragon models placed in the replica of Old Valyria

"That's the model of Balerion the Black Dread." Viserys says noticing the dragon in Alyssa's hand. "You have always been fond of that particular piece ever since a child. Always claiming that you would ride the Black Dread when you grow up." Viserys chuckles remembering the time when Alyssa was still quite young, always babbling and refusing to be held by anyone but Alicent.

"Really? I do not quite recall saying that." Alyssa says. "You were a babe just of 3 name days. Ofcourse you wouldn't." Viserys says. "Maybe this particular model is the reason why you rejected the idea of being introduced to any hatchlings or juvenile dragons in the dragon pit." he later adds.

"Maybe...... maybe it is the reason I was so persistent on claiming the Cannibal. Large pitch black dragon, eye menacing green with spark of gold. Strong scales, sword like long teeth and several spikes on his body and tail." Alyssa describes her friend to her father who listened carefully.

"Quite similar to Balerion if you ask me. I had ridden the 200 year old dragon during my youth when I was still a prince. Large, pitch black as the coal, strong scales, golden eyes with sparks of emerald green and spikes mainly around it's head which made him look terrifying." Viserys says as Alyssa noticed that the model in her hand was everything what Viserys had just described.   

"So how was Pentos?" Viserys tried to strike a conversation with Alyssa. "It was nice...." Alyssa replies still playing with the Balerion figure in her hand.

"Better than Red Keep?" Viserys asks. "Yes, way better. The halls there aren't so depressing and dark like the Keep, the gardens have fountain with varieties of flowers. My personal favorite is the peony there. And there is a small pond with fishes to feed in the past time. It way more colorful there, uncle Daemon personally ordered for my pavilion to be adjusted to the ivory and pastel colors I like." Alyssa says.

"How's Daemon?" Viserys asks about his younger brother whom he hadn't seen since the day he came to take Alyssa to live with him without his permission.

"Daemon is Daemon. He married Laena and has twin daughters, Baela and Rhaena. I got the courtesy to choose Baela's egg whereas uncle chose for Rhaena. Baela's egg hatched and from it came Moondancer but unfortunately Rhaena's hatchling died just after a few hours." Alyssa says.

"Uncle and Laena are expecting their third child. And once again I am to choose the egg as Laena refers to me as a lucky charm." Alyssa hints the reason she's back in Kingslanding.

"So..... you came here for an egg?" Viserys asks. "Yes, I did." she replies. "Syrax has just laid a clutch I heard from Rhaenyra. You may choose from there." Viserys says.

"Thank you, my King." Alyssa says and Viserys felt a sting in his heart. "Aren't you going to join your siblings and nephews to the dragon pit for their lessons?" Viserys asks.

"I'm pretty sure the other dragons and dragon-keepers would very much appreciate the lack of Cannibal's presence." Alyssa says. "Plus I find the whole dragon controlling thing very much absurd." she adds.

"And why is that so?" Viserys asks. "Because a dragon cannot be controlled. The fact that we control the dragons is just an illusion." Alyssa states. "If it weren't for the Old Valyrians who practiced blood magic which bonded them to these mystical creatures. We would have been just like the rest. We wouldn't have been the Kings and Queen of this continent, Aegon the Conqueror wouldn't be a conqueror, we would have been staked and killed for our questionable practices which is wrong in the eyes of the seven" she says.

"True indeed." Viserys adds. "But you will need to accompany the rest to the dragon pit to choose an egg." Viserys says making her sigh.

"Why? Aren't you fond of your siblings and nephews?" Viserys asks with a chuckle noticing Alyssa's expressions.

"They are...... tolerable... Aegon... well he's Aegon, Helaena's too quiet sometimes I forget that she's there, Aemond is always stuck in his books, Jacaerys that child always drills holes into my skull. That child has some serious issues, even more serious than Aegon. He has always got some problem with me. I don't even look at his direction, I don't know what bothers him so much about me." Alyssa says.

"Maybe it is the fact that you do not look at his direction." Viserys suggests. "I'd rather not. he's too short for me, my neck hurts looking down at him." Alyssa says making Viserys chuckle. "And you don't have any problem with Luke?" he asks. "He's a sweet boy. I like him, I'm only jealous of the fact that he has better curls than me." she says. 

"Jace is a kind child. Give him a chance, that boy has always longed for your presence." Viserys says gaining Alyssa's interest. "Ever since he heard about you, he has always been asking for you. He has always admired you from what he has listened from others growing up." he says.

"What do the people think about me?" Alyssa asks. "Kind, benevolent, sweet, lovely, chirpy, lively, beautiful." Viserys lists out the qualities that Alyssa had been praised for as a child.

"No wonder why he's always glaring at me every chance he gets. I'm nothing like what the people say. he must be disappointed." Alyssa says.

"He's not, trust me. You are still the kind and sweet child you were." Viserys says. "You do not know me, my king." Alyssa says. "Oh but I do." Viserys says. "Though I may not know you like Daemon and Laena does. But I do know you. You're my daughter..... my sweet child." he says and silence followed right after.

"Your grace. It's time for princess Alyssa to return to her chambers." a maid says. Alyssa quickly stands up from the ground where she was sitting mindlessly playing with the dragon figure.

She was stopped by Viserys when she tried to keep the Balerion model back to where it was. "Stop." Viserys stopped her. "Keep it." he says. "What?" Alyssa questions. "Keep the toy." Viserys says. "I can't. The model will be empty without it." Alyssa says knowing very well how dear each and every piece of the model was to Viserys. Taking Balerion would leave a huge empty spot in the center of the model.

"You were fond of the toy ever since a child. And looks like you still are, take it as a gift from me. Everything that belongs to me will belong to you one day." Viserys says and Alyssa looks at the toy in her hand and smiles at the toy making her feel like a child again.

"Thank you..... father."   

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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