Two's Company, Three's a Raincloud

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Sylvie loved storms.

The chaotic turbulence of thunder and lightning, along with the soothing balm of warm rain was the perfect mix to satisfy her tortured soul. She could spend hours listening to the boom and crackle outside her window.

Loki, on the other hand, hated storms.

He was terrified of lightning, due in part to being on the receiving end of his brother's tantrums once too often, thunder caused massive headaches, and getting wet?

Well that just didn't mix well with fine Ásgarðian leather did it?

Ever since visiting the Roxxcart apocalypse, he'd taken great pains to avoid being caught out in any foul weather. So far, he'd been lucky and hadn't dealt with a single drop of rain.

But as is common for a Loki, his luck was about to run out.


"Come on slowpoke, we haven't got all day!"

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one carrying this large basket!"

It was a beautiful spring day in New Ásgarð. Loki and Sylvie had decided to take a break from the royal duties they'd assumed since Thor went on his honeymoon(Loki was still trying to figure out how that oaf got Jane AND Brünnhilde to marry him) and have a nice picnic out on the cliffs.

It was refreshing to see how carefree his girlfriend was as she skipped along the grass towards their designated spot. Happiness was a good look for her.

It didn't look too shabby on him either.

They reached the spot they'd picked out, and Sylvie retrieved a familiar green blanket from her pocket dimension.

"I can't believe you kept that."

"Of course I kept it, you never know when you're going to need a tablecloth."

"Haha very funny, hurry up and lay that thing down so I can drop this heavy load."

She rolled her eyes at his dramatics, but went ahead and spread the quilt out over the ground before plopping down on top of it. He came and sat down beside before rummaging through the basket for their meal.


"I'm glad we did this."

"Me too, it's been far too long since I've had you all to myself."

"Well then," Sylvie purred as she set the drink in his hand to the side and climbed onto his lap," I suggest we make the most of it."

Loki grinned before surging up to press his lips to hers. Their tongues danced sensually as his hands roamed all over her lithe form.

Just as things started to heat up...a loud boom rang across the sky....startling the two apart.

"What was that?!"

"It's probably just going to storm soon. You're not scared of a little Thunder, are you?"

"I'm not overly fond of what follows."

"You'll be fine, it's probably not going start raining just yet," she said as she grabbed his face and turned it back towards her," Now come here."

They picked up where they'd left off, with Sylvie pulling Loki's shirt over his head and tossing it to the side.

He was rather engrossed with her lips so he failed to notice when the first drop hit....or the second....or the third.....

When the downpour started however....


Loki jumped up like he'd been stung and practically flew down the hill. Sylvie busted out laughing at the sight.

"Loki! It's just a little water!"

Still giggling to herself, she calmly packed up the picnic supplies and walked back towards their house in the village. No doubt her boyfriend had already teleported himself there and hid under a pile of warm towels, which was fine.

After all, there was more than one way to make a man wet.

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