Chapter 1 - Ten Day Later/Meet the Bad Guys/Car Chase

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Snake spoke, "You know the one good thing about this place?"

Wolf turned to him and said, "What?"

"We never have to wait for a table." Snake said as the two were walking past a group of terrified people near the wall.

Wolf spoke, "Well, isn't that every place?"

Snake took notice of the terrified people and slithered over before saying, "Hey, man. How you been? I haven't seen you in..." He lunged in front of them, shouting, "Snake attack!"

That caused the people to scream as he chuckled before looking at a bowl of mints. "Oh. Mints." He said before he swallowed the bowl whole before Wolf turned to the crowd and said, "Sorry, folks. I'm switching him to decaf."

Snake chuckled as the two went to the door. They both look at each other as they both said, "Let's do this."

They exit the diner and head outside, where people spotted them and ran away, cars stopping at their tracks and drivers exiting their cars to run away. They headed over to a bank before Wolf spoke, "Guinea pig, huh?"

Snake nodded his head as he said, "It's the Rolls-Royce of rodents."

Wolf shrugged and opened the door to the bank as he said, "Yeah, but it's still a rodent. You know what I mean?"

They entered the bank, which people ran away after spotting them.

Wolf spoke out, "Don't mind us, just robbing this place."

They robbed the bank and bursted out through the window as the alarm went off, Wolf carrying two bags of money and Snake holding onto a small vault.

The two got to an alleyway, where Wolf had parked his car. The two got in as Wolf drove out and into the streets of Los Angeles.

Wolf held his fist to Snake and said, "Go bad..." Snake bumped his head on Wolf's fist and finished, "-or go home." They both laughed as they drove in the streets.

The camera panned to Wolf's point of view. Wolf, taking notice to the camera, spoke, "Hey, you. Get over here." The camera moved a little closer. "Little bit closer." The camera didn't move before Wolf said, Oh, I know what it is."

He steered close to the camera and said, "You're afraid because I'm the...Big Bad Wolf." The scene showed a lot of books involving the Big Bad Wolf while Wolf continued, "Well, I'm not surprised. I am the villain in every story. Isn't that right, Mr. Snake?"

Snake was busy cracking the vault, but answered Wolf's question, "Yep."

Wolf turned to the camera and spoke, "Say hello to Mr. Snake. Serpentine, safe-cracking machine. Imagine Houdini but with no arms. Kind of guy who'd tell you the glass is half empty, then steal it from you. He's also my best bud." He than spoke singsongy, "And today's his birthday!"

Snake got annoyed and said, "Not relevant."

Wolf pulled him close with one arm and said, "He's a sweetheart. You're a sweetheart."

The two best friends heard police sirens as a group of police cars drove behind them.

"Well, look who's here." Snake said with amusement.

"Took them long enough." Wolf said and sped up. He drove to see three red lights ahead before saying, "Watch this." On top of one of the traffic lights, their third member, Ms. Tarantula, hacked into the traffic lights, turning them all green for Wolf and Snake to drive through.

"And over here is Ms. Tarantula, our in-house hacker, our pocket search engine, our traveling tech wizard. We call her Webs." Wolf explained as Webs jumped off the traffic light post and into the car as she turned the lights back onto red.

Family, Heists, and Reptile Love - The Bad Guys (Mr. Snake x My OC Lydia Adder)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن