Operation Lightspeed.

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In the city of Mariner Bay it was every normal day as usual even somewhat for an 14 year old orphan girl.

Who is wearing a pendant she found a few days ago but doesn't know that it's a very specile pendant indeed

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Who is wearing a pendant she found a few days ago but doesn't know that it's a very specile pendant indeed.

Then Berry saw a building in fire and heard there are people inside and decided to go in and decided to go in and save the people.

The pendant glows purple and it gave her speed and agility, people where amazing seeing an teenager able to do that so fast.

This even caught some of the agents eyes.

Berry then looked around and found that one person got trapped and she pulled their object that was trapping the girl.

Berry then hold the girl up when Carter comes in and see Berry carrying the unconsciousness girl.

Carter: Come on right this way, stay close to me.

Carter then leads Berry towards the exsit when he stops and thinks he see something behind some fire.

Carter stared in shock before a blast of fire head their way and Berry grab onto Carter before using the pendant speed boost to get out of the building and into a straight out trap that caught them by some fire man holding onto it.

Then Dana came and help the unconsciousness girl when Carter turns to look at Berry.

But Berry was running away from avoid from being grab before disappearing behind some other buildings.

Dana then decided she report what she saw Berry did.

Carter then breathes for a moment wondering what he just saw was real.

Then Dana walked up to him with two agents by her side.

Dana: I know this is a bad time but I need you to come with me.


Carter, kelsey, Chad, Joel and Dana are in a helicopter and Carter then see the Submarine.

Carter: Don't tell me we going in that submarine an't we.

Kelsey looks down at the Submarine and smiled.

Kelsey: Excellent.

Soon the group got into the Submarine and the Submarine went underwater heading toward the aqua base.

Then the aqua base open the door for the Submarine to come in.

Then they get out of the Submarine and followed Dana into the Aqua base and into the control room.

Power rangers lightspeed rescue x purple child ranger ocWhere stories live. Discover now