Willam " billy " loomis || scream 1996 || 1.0

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You stood in front of a desk with a lab coat , gloves , goggles, and a small scaple in your hand.

You smirked, staring down at the table "y/n..you're kinda freaking me out." You look up at your lab partner

Titling your head a bit , you asked, "Why is that?" She looked at the scaple in your hand before looking back at you.

"We're about to dissect a frog, and you're smirking about it,..it's kinda freaky," she said

You blinked before twirling the scaple so it was facing the table before your hand slammed down , the scaple plunging right into the frog chest.

Your lab partner gasped loudly and stumbled back out of her chair. It gained the attention of almost everyone in class.

"Miss. L/n and Miss Parker, what is the matter ?" The teacher, Mr. King asked

"She's a Fucking pyshco!" You glared at the Julia (your lab partner)

"I was just doing what we're supposed to be doing, she just freaked out Mr. King, " you told the teacher.

"She just stabbed the dead frog!look!" Juila pointed to the frog that was now had an open chest

"Miss parker..are you sure that you are alright?" Mr. King asked, looking at Julia, who started to defend herself

She looked at you, and you had a small smirk. "Miss l/n, please continue, miss Parker. Why don't we go to the nurse's office?" Mr .king said

Soon, Mr. King took Julia to the nurse's office, and you looked down at the frog.

Someone took a seat in front of you, and you glanced up and saw Billy loomis staring at the frog with a crazy look in his eyes.

That look made you interested, " I love dissecting things," you said, making him look up

"Do you?" He asked, and you nodded."Do you?" You asked,"Never tried it before, " he said

"Really? " He smirked, leaning a bit closer "on an animal never, but on a human , I have, " he whispered

Your eyes widen but not with fear but with excitement. "How did that feel?" You asked

"Shh, we'll have this conversation later..in private," he said. You nodded before looking down and putting your hand inside the frog chest and taking out its heart.

You glanced up at Billy with a shy smile before stretching your hand out towards him

"A peace offering," you told him . He took the heart , looking at it before he looked up at you with a smile.

Luckily, no one was paying attention to either of you.

Soon science class ended , you had gym class next.

After changing into your gym clothes , you walked and saw Billy talking to his friends. You wonder where he put the heart.

They were sitting on the bleachers talking , you grabbed a basketball and started to bounce it, it a free day in gym class, so you can do whatever you wanted.

You started to shoot hoops, and every single shot that you took , it went in the net every single time.

"Look at that freak , she thinks she's better than us?" A girl whispered behind you

"I heard she has no parents," the other voice you recognized. It was Casey Becker.

"A bigger freak," the other girl said, and they giggled

You turn around and face them , you stare at them ,and they notice

"What are you looking at, freak?" Casey asked , crossing her arms.

"A slut and a bitch" you answered, they gasped.

You bounced the ball, walking closer to them. They took a step back slightly in fear.

You look at them up and down as you passed them , you leaned closer to Casey with a smirk on your face.

"You're looking kinda scared...why is that? I'm not gonna hurt you, " you whispered

"We're in public," you added , laughing at her terrified look

You took a step back ,throwing them the ball, and Casey clumsy got it.

You raised both hands and flicked them both off , backing up .

You sat in the bleachers, right next to Billy loomis with your legs stretched out in front of you.

"Who are you?" Tatum Riley asked , raising an eyebrow at you

"The fuck should I know? I have so many names, " you said with a deep sigh," but I go by y/n, " you added

Stu let out a laugh. " I like her , I like you , I'm stu macher" stu introduced himself

"I know, you're stu, the blonde is Tatum, the horror geek is Randy, brunette is Sidney and this handsome guy is Billy loomis" you said

"You think leather face is handsome?" Randy said , with a small laugh. Billy glared at him.

Sidney linked her arm with Billy's and gave you a tight smile. Obviously, she was jealous.

"He isn't the only one I think is handsome," you said, winking at Randy, who blushed. Billy sends you a glare jealously flaring up behind his eyes

"How about me? Do you think I'm handsome?" Stu question , gesturing to himself, you nodded "very," you replied with a small smirk, seeing his girlfriend get jealous

"Don't you have your own boyfriend to flirt with?" Tatum snapped , you shook your head."Nah, nobody wants to date me. If you haven't noticed, I'm an orphan freak with zero friends , but maybe I haven't found the right one yet," you said

"We can be your friends!" Stu said, gesturing to everyone, "and you're pretty, who wouldn't want to date you?seriously, go on a date with me? " Randy said

"You wanna go on a date with me?" He nodded . You glanced at Billy and noticed him clenching his fist

"Sure, I'll go on a date with you, but just for the record, i love gory movies," you told him . He smiled. " Me too!" He said

"Friday the 13th is showing tonight. How about we go see it?" Randy asked. You nodded."Sure," the bell ringed and you stood up. "See you tonight," you winked at him before walking towards the lockers.

You walked into the locker, unknowing of the chaos you just created
1014 words.

Part two will come soon!

If anyone has any requests, I am accepting requests.

Skeet ulrich one- shots and imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora