VI. Facing the fear

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The day had already begun when Mary left a note on the kitchen table thanking Marlene for the afternoon spent together, then, after a tender gaze towards the girl who had slept on the carpet just to be next to her, she left the house and reached the cafè where many people were already seated. 

"Morning Rem, why do I see you strangely happy?" she asked while wearing her apron. "Did something happen yesterday?" she smirked too.

"That's what I was about to ask you." he served a customer, "Nothing happened between me and Sirius, we just chatted."

"You liked that, didn't you?" Mary asked, laughing at his answer.

"Of course I liked it, let's not fool ourselves. Instead, how are you doing?" he asked while preparing some coffees, highlighting the fact that he cared about that answer.

She couldn't stop the smile on her face once she remembered how Marlene had improved that day before. "I'm doing really good. I even called for a session with a therapist, Frank wanted to so." she explained without feeling mad or annoyed, she understood how much Frank cared about his athletes and it was up to them to take on the responsibility of tackling this new step on their own.

At that point, Remus raised an eyebrow. "Really good? And tell me, that really meant really as a friend or really as a girl who is terrible in love with a hockey player." he made fun of her and as a reward he received a cloth threw on his chest. He laughed as took advantage of having no customer to serve to hug his friend. "I'm glad you decided to call for a session."

For her, those arms had become a safe place and she didn't deny that she wanted to stay there forever. "Thank you, and to clear everything, I'm not in love with anyone." and at that answer, he laughed.

A laugh which at least managed to bring a smile on Mary's face, not for so long, until the door had opened by the reporter she hated the most. Seeing her walking inside the cafè felt like a dark step into her soft comfort space, something that bothered the young girl so much.

"Dear angel, it's so good to see you again." the sound of her heels echoed as if the rest of the people had just disappeared. Remus knew there was something off about that but Mary preferred deal with it alone; she walked to the counter and with a forced smile spoke. "How can I help you?"

Rita Skeeter smiled. "A black coffee and today's newspaper."

Mary sighed. She knew what was her purpose. "We finished them, your coffee arrives soon." but before turning away, the blonde one grabbed her hand and laughed, "That won't be a pity at all, my dear! I can tell you in person what all those people at their table are reading."

The bartender ignroed her and went to prepare her morning coffee, putting so much hate in every movement while Rita just kept talking, talking and talking.

"The first thing they have read is how disastrous skaters' families can be. Oh, I bet they had enjoyed that part so much." she explained sat on the stool.

Mary was filling her paper cup when rage began to boil in her veins.

While the other continued. "Not as much as the whole couple and cheating part. And guess what, your name is one of the most important."

Those words reopened a little wound deep down her and yet no one stopped her from reacting as best as she thought, not even Remus who trusted Mary and so let her do her job.

She approached the counter again. "You know what, your audacity doesn't surprise me at all." she said while kneeling down behind the counter to grab a fist of salt to put it on her coffee. She then took it a lid and give it to her, "But let me suggest you something for your next article. Write a few words about an idiotic selfish blonde who cries every day and every night because she has no friend and yet no empathy to understand that the way she does her job is awful."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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