V. Caring

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Mary dragged Remus at the rink that day, it wasn't the first time he had gone there to see her. He thought it was entertaining and seeing her friend's talent live was awesome.

But once they took their first step inside, other familiar voices reached their ears as they immediately understood that someone else had their idea. In fact, seated in the grandstand there was Regulus with his brother: Sirius Black.

"Oh, hey guys." Mary said, waving at Sirius. She knew him and considered him one of her few closest friends, at the end it was since they were children that Sirius supported his little brother in skating and showed it by presenting himself to various competitions, he did it by running away from home or he would not have had a way to convince his parents.

"Hi, Mary!" he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, they hadn't seen each other in a while but what surprised Sirius was the boy next to her. "Hey, I'm Sirius. Regulus' brother."

"I'm Remus, I think I've already seen your face. Maybe at the cafè?" he shook Sirius' pale hand, full of metal rings.

He nodded with a smile. His pale tone highlighted a soft pink colour all spread on the cheeks. "Yeah, I've been there with my friend, James."

James. The famous James Potter who people often recognized as the captain of the ice-hokey team. He was the kind of guy who didn't care about fame, he had always remained the usual sunny and happy James.

Regulus' eyes turned into his head when he heard that name. He wasn't a big fan of the ice-hockey team and therefore neither of James, their relationship was like Mary and Marlene's one: annoying at first but perhaps it was necessary get to know the other better to understand that after all he was also a nice person.

Mary had recently taken that step and she didn't mind being friends with Marlene at all. Maybe Regulus could do the same with James and maybe a beautiful friendship would have been born between them too.

"Right, I remember both of you. Well, I didn't expect to meet you here."

They kept talking as if Mary and Regulus weren't in front of them, that's why they both preferred to move further to talk as well than to stay there.

"So, you made us worried when you left after the interview." Regulus started and Mary felt passed through by a kind of electric shock. Two days had passed since that moment  full of fear, anxiety and anger at the same time.

"I didn't mean to. She said horrible stuff." her voice kept cracking when she talked about it, "I even checked the notes, she wrote about your family too."

But Regulus shrugged. "I expected it, it's not the first time she does it and yet she doesn't seem to understand it."

"This isn't fair." she was uncertain whether or not to tell a detail of the interview, but she only had to look at Regulus to make up her mind. "Hey, you're not the one who told her about me and Marlene, aren't you?"

He shook his head. "Did she tell you something?"

"No, well, I mean yes but I think I dealt with it well."

Regulus sat and put his skaters on, and so did Mary while listening to his reassuring words. "Whatever she's going to write, do not pay attention to it, alright?"

She nodded. "What I care is not being what she thinks of me." tears threatened to slide down of her eyes but Mary gritted her teeth ignoring her pain.

"You're not. Of course you're not." he decided to kneel in front of her, his hands reached her face, "Mary, you're one of the most talented skaters in the world. Her words are not special at all."

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