FOUR. though not a broken heart... this was actually worse

Start from the beginning

Layla patted Jerry's shoulder, "I'll swap for you."

"Are you sure?" Jerry questioned, "You've got to be quick."

"I think I can handle a few boards."

Milton soon started the timer and one by one Layla would pick up a board and Jack would break it. But, she may have been moving a little too slow for Jack's liking. He went in for the kick and hit Layla in her chest causing her to fall to the ground.

"Layla!" Jack called, rushing to her side, "I'm so sorry. I thought you were ready."

The four boys held Layla to her feet. She was groaning in pain and they decided to take her to the hospital.

Jack had been pacing back and forth in the lobby for the hospital for several minutes. The three other boys reading magazines to help their nerves.

If people found out that Jack Brewer had hurt the most popular and well liked girl in Seaford, his entire life would come crashing down. He'd probably have to move once more and though this seemed like a huge exaggeration... it wasn't.

"She's in the hospital because of me." Jack cried.

The doctor soon came into the waiting area and explained that she'd had to get an x-ray and her rib had been bruised.

They had been allowed inside her room, but Milton, Jerry, and Eddie had been caught up with the newborn babies and Jack had came by to visit her.

He knocked on the door and heard a subtle "come in" and walked inside.

Layla laid in the hospital bed, tired and looking as if she had better days, which she had.

She looked at at Jack with a small smile and the bear in his hands.

"Hey." Jack nervously smiled.


Jack shut the door behind him and made his way towards Layla's bed.

She stifled a laugh, "It's okay. I'll be fine in about three weeks. It's just a bruised rib."

"Just a bruised rib?" Jack questioned, "I seriously hurt you and you're calling it "just a bruised rib"?"

"Yeah. It could've been worse. There's always worse isn't there? You bruised my rib. It's not broken, Jack."

"Still." He sighed, handing the bear over to her, "I'm sorry. I really wanted to prove Duke wrong"

"You still can. You still have a few hours before the competition right? I'm sure Jerry's willing to practice with you as long as you don't bruise his rib." Layla joked.

"Nah, it's alright."

"I'll be fine alone, Jack. Just tell me how it goes."

It took ashley for Layla to convince Jack to go. Whether he didn't want to leave Layla's side or he genuinely felt bad and didn't want to go on her behalf... maybe both.

But he eventually left and came back a few hours later with the others in tow. He'd beaten Duke. It was pretty easy.

But that didn't mean that Jack felt any better about bruising the girls rib, but enough reassurance stuck within Jack.

Everything was fine, Jack knew that. Layla knew that. Everything was perfectly fine.

 Everything was perfectly fine

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— lucy has something to say !!

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— lucy has something to say !!

i'm sorry about the lack of updates but tbh i debated on deleting this story 😝

didn't know how to end this 🧍

didn't know how to end this 🧍

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bye :))))

✓ looking at me ミ jack brewerWhere stories live. Discover now