Dealing with Mary Gowland

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**Valentina POV**

I made my way out and got ready to mount again. The horses were ready and fresh. I mounted my Stallion as everyone else got on their horses. I got ready to lead us through the maze again and over to the park. I have to get two people to meet us at the Clock Tower.

**Blood POV**

I mounted the mare and got ready to ride again. Elliot and Victor have been talking non-stop since we left the castle. I made my way next to Valentina and asked her:" Where are we going to next?" She said:" To the Park." I sighed and said:" Going to go see Gowland and Boris. Boris I can deal with, its Gowland that I cannot stand." I seen her look at me and said:" Gowland will hate me faster than you."

**Boris POV**

I shot the violin from Gowland's hands and said:" Get ready. We got a meeting. Not sure who it is." I then ran away from him before he could shoot me. I arrived back to the front after that. I sighed waiting as Gowland finally showed up.

**Gowland POV**

I glared at Boris after he shot my Violin from my hands. I sighed knowing he was right about the meeting. Seem's Blood Dupre is coming with someone. I heard the hooves before I seen them. I seen a Beautiful Lady on a Black Horse. I seen Blood talking to her and waited.

**Valentina POV**

 I rode at a Trot with Blood next to me talking to him. I agreed one thing the Park is very beautiful with the Sunrise coming. I grabbed my cloak from the saddle bag and put it on. I said:" We get this over with, and I can go home." 

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