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There was once a lonely star, so desperate to be something more than an untouchable aura in the sky. They prayed to be alive, to feel more, be more. And as the last fractured streams of stardust bled into the pitch black abyss, the universe granted the dying wish. Reincarnated into an innocent starchild, wandering far from home. Only, they had never known of the embers that embedded her soul; roaming the earth, feeling more than one could ever fathom.

They grew up, so pure-hearted that one imagined an angel took corporeal form. A young woman endowed with ethereal porcelain skin, as light as Polaris, and tresses of tumbling raven. They never truly understood the overwhelming grief they held. The intangible yearning for home. Not the home in her cozy apartment nestled in south London, not the home of a loving family. A pit had settled since childhood for a home within the stars. To comb her fingers through the milky way, or float aimlessly amongst the cosmos.

But she had never felt that. Juliet never knew what it was like to roam the infinite sky above her. It was merely an infatuation, to be at peace with the universe. As though a part of her needed to fulfil her heart's wishes before she returned to the soil in the earth.

She had lived a thousand lives. She had been a thousand stars. Watching the dawn of time, burning at the end. Though she won't remember. Only the fragments of constellations floating in her eyes remember her past.

— A/N—
Hi! I hope you like this story, and please be patient with me! It's my first doctor who one so I'm very nervous about getting stuff right and making it enjoyable!

Death of a Thousand Stars; Doctor Who.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon