Part 1

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I begin packing my things to leave for the end of term, my mind is filled with bad thoughts of the manner, I dread to go back there I much prefer Hogwarts. I look out of the window and take a deep breath, thinking about reuniting with my mother and father.

I pull out a top from under my bed and realise it's Pansys, I sit it on her bed and continue to pack, trying to think of positive things like the train ride, I love the views of the train ride, and getting to catch up with my mother, having my own room again but on the other hand my stomach is telling me how much i'll miss Pansy.

I hear my room door swing open and see Parkinson, "Hello you" I hear her voice , then closing the door behind her. I don't have the gut to look at her right now, my mind is filled with bad thoughts.

I feel her coming towards me and taking a seat on the ground, behind me "Everything okay?" she asks, with a tone of concern meaning she is genuinely worried. I nod and she begins playing with my hair.

I take a breath and lean back so my head is now under her chin and i'm looking up at her, "I'm fine" I close my eyes, not wanting to kill her mood as she seems particularly happy today.

"Is it because you're going home?" she whispers, "with all the rumours of 'you know who 'returning, you know they're all false and don't worry i'm sure you'll be complete saf-"

I cut her off quickly by sitting up and turning my body around to face her, "Of course it's just rumours Pansy, I'm just going to miss Hogwarts that's all." She nods and stands up, staring at me again "You'll come visit me during the summer right?" she questions.

I look up at her, squinting my eyebrows, "Of course I will, I always do, what would be different this summer?" I kind of snap at her, not realising my tone. She looks upset by the way I just spoke to her, but I don't have the energy to apologise.

She turns around and begins walking, I watch her going towards to the door and opening it before she turns around one final time "Just checking" she says before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

A few hours go by and it is now 10pm, which basically means light out, but Pansy still hasn't returned, I didn't realise I had upset her so much, it's our last night here for over a month and I want to spend it here with her.

I flick the light on with my wand and get out of bed, looking around for the first thing I can pull on, I spot my quidditch hoodie, pull it over my dressing gown and head for the door. I have to apologise to Pansy for talking to her that way, this is the first ever year we haven't spent the last night before the end of term together.

I pull the room door open and enter the common room, I am then greeted by Blaise sitting on the couch, "Hi Blaise" I smile, slowly walking towards him, he continues to scribble in his textbook, replying to me with a nod.

I sit beside him, "Just wondering if you've seen Pansy anywhere?" His eyes shoot up at me and he bites his lip, his eyes are now back onto his book. "Why would I have seen Pansy anywhere?" he nervously laughs, "Nope haven't seen her sorry, but it's getting late you should head to bed, you know big day tomorrow, early rise." He rambles on. I have a feeling he is acting weird, he is paranoid but maybe it's just the muggle herbs all the boys have been into lately that's making him this way.

"Okay?" I slowly stand up and begin walking towards Daphnes room, knocking on the door incase she's getting laid, I really would not like to see that.

She quickly answers, holding a cup of green tea, thank goodness she wasn't getting laid. She smiles at me, "Hi Darcy!" she walks back over to her desk, hinting for me to follow her inside.

"First of all Blaise is acting so strange, i'm concerned" I say, half joking, she slams her book down and shoots a spell at her door, i'm guessing it was silenco so that Blaise couldn't hear us gossiping about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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