Part 5

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I walked around the kitchen getting seasonings and things I needed while Brayden stood at the counter. "You know you can sit right?" He just shrugged. "I'm enjoying watching you walts around the kitchen." I rolled my eyes and pointed a spatula at him. "You better like this." He threw his arms up innocently. I turned away from him to stir the sauce and before I knew it he was behind me peeking over my shoulder. I turned and looked him in the eyes. "Can I help you sir?" He grinned and backed away to the fridge. He got out the fruit punch and poured us both a glass.
After dinner it was time for showers. He took his while I cleaned up dinner and did a few of my chores. I finished and went to take my shower. I couldn't help but smile at the smell of his shampoo and cologne in the bathroom. After my shower Brayden was on the couch looking through movies to watch on TV. He was sitting in the middle of the couch and patted the spot next to him. I sat down and leaned back, content to watch him look through channels. I could still smell his cologne from so close. Eventually we decided on a movie, but it ended late so we probably wouldn't get to see the whole thing.

I don't know what happened but the next morning I found myself asleep on Brayden. I was about to get up because- well I was embarrassed. Then I realized how nice it was to stay there and decided not to move.
I'm ridiculous.
When he started stirring I pretended to still be asleep. I felt his hand slide down to my waist and his steady breathing told me he was still in a soft sleep. But either way my head was resting on his chest so he couldn't see my face. It wasn't until I felt his thumb move back and forward that I knew he was awake. He breathed heavily and I sat enjoying his touch for a little while longer before I sat up slowly and stretched. We made eye contact and I could feel my cheeks burn. "Have a good sleep?" I winced when he asked that. "Yea... sorry I fell asleep on you, I don't know what happened honestly-" I smiled and looked down. Brayden only smiled and watched me ramble. "What are you smiling at?"
"Me? Oh no, do I look weird? My hair is probably a mess." I started trying to fix it but my hair tie broke in the process. I dropped my arms down and huffed.
  He chuckled. 'Hey, don't worry you always look beautiful."
We stared at each other for a few seconds. I don't think either of us knew what to say. Finally I gathered my thoughts and leaned in. It was careful at first. The second time we both felt right... and so on.

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