I can't do it (W.M)

Start from the beginning

"Your fine? Wanda the water tank is boiling. Lets go" you said, the water tank was beginning to move behind her. The lights also began to flicker again.

"They're not that bad still, babe"

"Nope come one" "wanda lets go"

"No its passing, its okay" You nodded at both Thor and Clint. All the three of you began lifting Wanda up. "Babe I'm not going" she became tense and pulled back from the three men. "i'm not going"

"Wanda sweetie come on" Her hands become fists and ted mists surrounded them.

"I'M NOT GOING! I'M NOT GOING OKAY!" The three of you let her go. She only looked at you her red eyes turning back to green. Tears filling her eyes, she began rubbing her stomach. "I'm not going today...

Because i can't do it. I don't think i can do it" she began to cry. She wrapped her arms around herself in fear.

"Hey hey, hey" you knelt down and held her shaking hands. She had cover them up with her sleeves of her sweater. Noticing her own powers surrounding her. She told herself she would stop even after her baby was born. In fear she would hurt them. "Are you kidding me? If anyone can do this, you can do this"

Clint came over and reached over for her arm. Thor's hand over her shoulder in a side hug. But Wanda's eyes never left your's. "Wanda i'm scared. So so scared"

"I'm scared too" clint added

"I'm petrified" Thor said. Wanda's breathing was slowing down. Panic filled her whole body, yet you calmed her down. Maybe it was how she can feel everyone's touch. Their voices, but she knew it was your soothing voice and the way you looked at her. That made her calm down and not explode.

"Best new is that we are going to have a gremlin" you laughed at your own nickname for your child. So lets have it at the hospital okay?" Wanda nodded. "How we doing on contractions?"

"Two minutes apa-" Clint answered with but he himself shut up realizing what he said.

"Oh god" Wanda eyes widened at hearing that. "Oh no"


"Its okay its okay. I was- it slipped my mind"

"Clint i trusted you since you have kids. You should"

"Y/n we waited to long" Wanda became to panic as both you and Clint stood up. Not because she was scared of herself giving birth. But of how calm you turned speaking with Clint. She reached for your hand but you moved out of reach. You were mad with Clint. He was supposed to tell you when its time. He had kids of his own, he knows how it is. Right now Laura herself was 8 months pregnant. And tomorrow hit the 9 month mark.

"Okay Wanda sweetie, you know what time it is?" Clint turned to Wanda seeing her panicking.

"I don't- I don't wanna have my baby here." Her eyes began glowing red again. This time blocking the nosies around her. She heard the baby crying. But wait she heard another one. She was in pain and fear.

"You're not going to. You know where you're going" Thor rubbing her shoulders brought her back to reality.

"The hospital"

"Yes you are" You left calling Mantis over. You yourself began to panic forgetting that your wife is literally about to give birth.

"You know what you are gonna have?" Clint began talking to Wanda like a child. It was helping Wanda calm down. Making her remember she is safe. As if Papa was talking to her.

"A baby" her voice trembling.

"Yes, now lets go to the hospital and have this baby."


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