I Will Get You Out of Here

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Prim's POV
I sat on the ground sobbing. Jay held on to me. It felt nice, but I kept crying. Jay held me longer whispering,"It's okay Prim. She's alive." "What if they're torturing her?" I sobbed. Even the thought made me sick.

"Prim, look at me." I looked into his dark brown eyes. "I will get you out of here, and you will get to see your sister, alive and well."

"But, if I get out of here then you would have to die." "I know." Jay kissed me on the forehead and helped me stand up.

"Are you guys okay?" Tyga asked. The worry in his voice was prominent. "I'm fine," Gale said. He put his hand on my shoulder. "You okay Prim?" Gale asked. "I'm fine," I said trying to keep my voice from shaking.

We walked down to the beach. Tyga smiled as a sponsor gift floated down. Maple ran up to it and opened it. "Food." I perked up. With all the action food had been the last thing on our minds. "Bread." I ran over. It was a basket filled with bread from district 12, 7, 4, 3, and 9. I heard Peeta talking about types of bread. Four pieces for each person.

Maple passed out the rations. "Should we save it?" Jay asked. "Well it seems there is food in the water. So, eat all of it. We can get more," Tyga said looking at the ocean.

I took a bite of the warm bread and tears welled up in my eyes. It reminded me of home. I swallowed the lump in my throat. We ate the rest of the meal in silence. "We need sleep," Gale said.

I yawned. Jay smiled. The sun was going down. "Okay, come on let's get to bed. I'll take first watch. Maple said. "I will too," Tyga said. I laid down on the warm sand and fell asleep almost immediately. I woke up in the middle of the night. I heard Maple and Tyga talking.

They hadn't woken anybody up to take watch."We better keep an eye on Jay," Maple whispered. "Does Prim know?" Tyga asked. "No, and we better keep it that way. Jay loves her and she probably feels the same." "I'd hate to see the girl die," Tyga whispered.

I sucked in a breath. "What's going to happen when we reach the end and we're the only ones left?" Maple whispered. "Hopefully only one of us will be alive."

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