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When Lyosha woke up in the morning, he was numb from the cold. It was still dark outside the window, but there were already hints of the coming morning.
"Do I want to go to the first couple," the thought flashed in his head, "I guess not.
Tosya glanced at his watch.
"It's fifteen to six. Let's go back to sleep."
Sleep was interrupted by his mother, who entered the room
- Lyosha Wake up! TIME! - she said, pulling off the blanket. - Or do you want to be late again?
- Just a sec," said the boy, stretching, "Don't yell.
- I promised the guidance counselor I'd get you. I don't want you to get expelled.
- It's a little late for that, isn't it? - got up from the bed and said Lyosha - why didn't you talk me out of staying after the ninth?
- You'll have to help me some more," said his mother, who smacked her negligent son in the face, "go wash your face, have breakfast, and run off to college.
The boy went silently into the bathroom to clean himself up, a little ashamed and unhappy that he couldn't skip school today.

No wonder he was on time today. It was ten minutes before the bell.
After dropping his bones in their rightful place, Lyokha habitually lay down on his desk, using his backpack as a pillow.
- Holy shit, you're not even late today - someone chuckled behind me.
- Fuck you," the emo guy muttered, giving the questioner the middle finger.
- "Ew, that's rude. - said a woman's voice nearby.
- Fuck you, too," Lekha muttered, "I'm sick of it.
He took out his Walkman, put his headphones in his ears, and immersed himself in his thoughts.


Recess passed and the English class began. Lazily saying "Good Mornig" the boy sat down and turned away from the window.
English is one of the most boring classes I've ever had. Prezent Perfects and inflections are so dull.
From nothing to do Lyokha turned over his notebook and opened the back page and started drawing something resembling blasters from space movies of the sixties. Enough time passed while drawing, he didn't even notice the bell ringing.
- Pretty - a thin girl's voice sounded - did you draw it yourself?
- Huh? What? - hurriedly closing the notebook and putting it away - what do you want?
- Why are you being so rude at once? - the girl pouted. - You can't be happy about it.
- Fuck you, Rozhkova - glared angrily at her classmate.
- Fine,- the girl took offense, - you fool.
Lyosha glanced angrily at her and turned back to the window.


The guy was already thinking about going out for a smoke, so he took a pack out of his backpack and headed for the bathroom. When he came out of the office, the unforeseeable happened. I bumped the shoulder of some bullish student.
- Hey, watch the fucking eyes," the big guy growled at him rudely.
- Fuck you," said Lekha.
- What did you say there, dickhead? - grabbed the informal guy, said the big-headed one.
- What do you mean?
- Have you lost your memory apart from your brain?
Lyosha didn't say anything. There's no point in communicating with a boor.
- ARE YOU FUCKING DEAF? WHAT THE FUCK? - The redheaded bastard went on.
- FUCK YOU! - He tried to get away, but immediately felt a heavy fist flying into his face. The pain didn't last long. And consciousness left his head.


The first thing Lyosha saw was a blood-red ceiling.
- Welcome to Hell, - came the Devil's booming voice.
- No thanks, - he muttered - Fuck you.
- Repent sinner - the voice continued.
- Go to hell.
The Devil's voice grew quieter and quieter, and the pungent smell of ammonia hit my nose.
The light of the flashlight hit Lyosha's eyes. It looks like he is in the infirmary.
- You're awake now," the nurse's voice said, "how did you get there?
- I fell, Lyosha lied, got up from the couch. - I tripped.
- Are you sure no one hit you? - the nurse asked, sitting down at the table - but you can rejoice, I'm letting you go home today. Tomorrow go to the X-ray at the clinic. I'll write you a referral to a surgeon.
- Okay, - said Lyosha glumly, brushing his bangs off his forehead, "can I go now?
- Are you dizzy? Any nausea? - asked the nurse.
- No, thank you very much. I should probably go. - Holding his head he said.
- Go home and get some rest - said the nurse, handing him a referral to the clinic - I will tell your supervisor that you are excused from the classes.
- Thank you," said Lyosha as he left the medical office.

***When he went outside, he took a cigarette with his lips out of the pack and lit it. But the puff made him dizzy and he coughed. Throwing the half-smoked cigarette into the trash, he spit through his teeth in the snow and headed to the bus stop to go home.


Barely had time to reach the house when he felt a sharp dizziness and collapsed in the living room. At that moment he felt absolutely helpless. His legs did not obey, and his head felt like absorbent cotton.
"Fuck," it flashed in his head, "craniocerebral."
His eyes closed.
"Where am I? What's going on here?" - The panicked thoughts kept creeping into his head.
The first thing he saw was the sea. A raging sea. The next second thunder struck and lightning flashed. The last thing he saw was tornadoes rising.
"So this is it, the end of my life," the boy said to himself in panic.
The last peal of thunder was pounding directly in his ears. Screaming, Lyosha fell off the bed and woke up on the floor.
"It was just a dream," he breathed out, "I'm alive."
His mother came running into the room at the noise. She looked at her son sitting on the floor.
- Why are you shouting? - She said worriedly, "Are you feeling better? Maybe you should eat something.
- What's for dinner? - asked a half-asleep Lyosha - I can have a little snack.
- Mashed potatoes and nuggets - Mom smiled.
"Wait, something's wrong" - he thought - "Mom's on shift today".
Tosya opened his eyes and saw a wall in front of him.He didn't fall off the bed, at least in reality.
"Sleeping in his sleep, that's new. Now the roof is going twice as fast!" - I thought to myself. My thoughts were distracted by my rumbling stomach. He had only had breakfast today after all.
Lyosha quickly got up and went to the kitchen. There was a half-eaten borscht in the fridge, but he didn't want to eat it.
"There's always a choice," he said to himself, "after all, Mom's not here."
Taking out a packet of fast noodles he had stashed from his mother, the boy decided to eat some unhealthy snacks.
After a "very nutritious dinner" Lyosha went to his room.He closed his eyes, but there was no sleep in any eye.He decided to take a walk to unwind, quickly dressed and decided to walk to the nearest abandoned house. It was snowing heavily outside. It was evening, but it was still light.
He took his headphones out of his pocket and turned on his Walkman. A pleasant melodic emo chorus poured into his ears. He saw his usual place of habitation and decided to go there.
Thankfully the snowdrifts near the abandoned place were not yet deep and soft. The abandoned place was a unfinished business center. But it was unfinished because the developer's company went bankrupt and the project was frozen, at the stage of bare walls.

The roof was missing in some places and because of that this abandoned building was popular. From the inside it resembled a kind of art gallery. A contemporary art museum. All the walls were painted with pentagrams, various swastikas, the names of those who had been here and a couple of beautiful drawings. There was one creepy thing, though. One of the walls was painted in purple paint and next to this wall were the bodies of various pets. From the smell emanating from the rotting dog carcasses on the snow drifted from the empty windows, they had died recently. A lump came to my throat that could turn into vomiting at any time. To keep from throwing up all over the place, the guy ran outside, but suddenly began to lose consciousness.
"Again?" - A panicked thought flashed through his mind. But his mind refused to comprehend what was happening. The peals of thunder, which had come from nowhere in December, struck his ears again. He could not understand if he was dreaming or if it was just another glitch in his head, the raindrops coming from nowhere were hitting his face, and the freezing wind was killing him.
He felt a slight panic, but quickly ran toward the house.
His father met him in the hallway.
Where do you go? - he asked sternly - it's ten o'clock.
- I decided to take a walk. Just to clear my head. - Lyosha lied.
- Come on, breathe," said his father, coming closer, "you smoke again?
- No, - said the boy sternly, as he pointedly unzipped his pockets. - "Smoke it.
- All right, I do - said the father affirmatively - go to your room.

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