Max and Lisa (Life is Strange)

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The relationship between Max Caulfield and her indoor flower. The action takes place after the "sacrifice Chloe" ending.

The room was lit by the setting sun. The weather was perfect for the beginning of October. Sunny and warm.
The familiar evening noise was coming from the ajar window, and the gentle breeze was ruffling the window blinds and the leaves of the ficus standing nearby.
Only the top of the flower was illuminated. But the sun was already leaving the room, turning to dusk.
The quietness and serenity of the evening was broken by the sound of a turning key and the opening of a door. A thin, female figure entered the darkening room. The girl who entered pressed a button at the door, turning on the light fixture on the ceiling.
She tossed the keys on the nightstand by the door.

After looking around the room, the girl sat down on a small couch by the wall on the left. Resting her head with her hands, she sat in that position for about twenty minutes.
She tried to comprehend what had happened today.
Of course she knew about the death and the funeral. But to realize that today was the funeral of her childhood best friend was not yet possible.
Rising from the couch, she walked to the window and looked out into the distance. In the direction of the forest.
After thinking all sorts of thoughts in her head, Max closed the window. The girl's gaze fell on the plant by the window.

- Oh, Lisa. I'm a bad mother - said Max in a broken voice - you seem to be withering away.
With these words the girl took a small bottle of water from a nearby cupboard and began to water the flower.
- Drink, there are useful electrolytes here - she said quietly - by the way, I have something for you.
Max put the bottle back and took a pendant with three cartridges from her neck.
- Here you are, my dear. - said the girl and hung the pendant on the flower - here, now a part of Chloe will be with you.

Smiling, Max lightly stroked Lisa on the leaves on the top and went to the closet, to change her clothes.

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