17.5. continuance

Start from the beginning

"Yes, that's me." You stepped out from behind her, extending your hand out awkwardly. Nonna disregarded it, going in for a hug.

"Nice to meet you dear."

"Likewise," You relaxed at her gesture, before pulling back. "Let me help you with them."

The woman thanked you when carried the numerous bags of groceries. The three of you trailed behind as Nonna headed to the kitchen like a woman with a mission.

Deciding to divide and conquer, Ariana helped her grandmother with an apron while you took it upon yourself to sort out the ingredients and arrange them on the counter. Joan went to set the table.

"Thank you, sweethearts," Ariana's grandmother said when everything was prepped. She turned to point at you with a knife. "You aren't vegan, are you?"

"No ma'am, but strictly no pork."

"Bless her heart, but thank god Ariana didn't convert you."


"What, you know how I feel about meat and cheese. Don't start with the fake kinds."

Pouting, Ariana turned her target towards you. "Are you willing to sacrifice kisses for Nonna's cooking?"

You chuckled fondly. "I'm pretty sure a toothbrush will allow me to have both. I'll even floss twice and use the mouthwash."

"Fine." Ariana accepts easily, and you knew she wasn't serious about her "threat".

"As much as I hate to interrupt, will you two be a dear and make the salad?" Ariana's grandmother broke the silence that had settled.

"Of course." With her instructions, you and Ariana washed and prepped the appropriate vegetables. The salad was created quickly, and you found yourself with another task to do - stirring a pot of marinara sauce. You were so focused, you didn't notice Ariana recording you with her phone, until five minutes later. It's been a while since you felt camera shy. "I'm just stirring sauce."

Ariana smiled at you there was a joke you weren't let in on. "Then why do you look so good doing it?"

"Maybe it's the lighting." You replied when you finally stopped blushing. Changing the subject, you nodded towards the pot. "Want a taste?"

Ariana hummed contemplatively, before nodding. You grabbed a small spoon and dipped it in the sauce. Before giving it to her, you blow on it a little. She thanked you before tasting it. "It's so good. You got to try too."

"Yeah?" You said, reaching for the spoon. However, Ariana placed it back in her mouth for the second time, confusing you, until she placed her lips on yours. You licked your lips subconsciously when she pulled back. "You're right, it's delicious."

"I'm glad you think so." You almost forgot that Ariana's grandmother was in the room too. "Dinner's ready."

The four of you sat around the dining room table, digging into the meal after a quick word of thanks. The food - consisting of two different types of pasta, spiedini, salad, and garlic bread - was probably the best you ever had, sorry Chef. Every bite was flavourful and delectable, and you felt like Remy when he paired cheese and strawberry for the first time. You didn't talk much, content with stuffing yourself and listening to the three generations of women's conversations.

"You have a big appetite." You looked up to see Joan smiling at you.

You swallowed before replying. "When the food is as wonderful as this, it's hard not to."

"Oh, I think you're my new favorite child. Ariana thinks pasta will kill her."

You raised your eyebrows incredulously at the information. "Really?" You turned to Ariana. "But we eat pasta together often. You even cooked them, for me.

positions (Ariana Grande/You)Where stories live. Discover now