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" Flash of fire ! "

" Sonic tide ! "

" Sonic spectrum ! "

The three fused Bakugan launched their attacks on the robot, but when the smoke cleared, it endorsed them with its cannons.

Dan grumbled at the sight of no scratches on the Mechanoid of the cargo ship.

" We've got this! " he announced, " Come on Drago! "

He and his partner rushed towards the robot, analyzing it from every angle to hope to find a weak spot. But as they began to be close enough to attempt an attack, a vexed voice interrupted them,

" Hey, I'm getting lonely over here! You haven't forgotten about me, have you? "

And as soon as these words were uttered, a trio of rays targeted the location of the red Bakugan. Drago dodged as much as he could to protect his helpless partner from such an attack, but a ray caught him by surprise and sent them both into the water.

Dan screamed when he felt himself ejected from his partner's back, but his back hit the water with such power that it stunned him. And as he sank deeper into the cold sea, he fainted because of the lack of air.


" Dan! "

Magnus panicked when he saw the brown boy sink with his Bakugan far enough away from the fighting zone. Immediately he and Nillious rushed to the location of their fall and when they were over the impact area, Magnus propelled himself as hard as possible and plunged.

His vision greatly reduced because of his unmasked eye, the boy with ebony hair still managed to see a red flash and hurried to join him. He noticed the little red ball that sank next to the boy and caught it before placing it safely in his pocket. Then he grabbed the brown's wrist and as he began to swim towards the surface, he saw the long black and purple tail of his own partner plunged into the water as an elevator.

Thanks Nillious, I really needed it ", he thought with a smirk, the brown always pulled by the wrist. He finally reached the tail of his partner and clung firmly, taking care to keep his rival against his chest for better security. And finally both were brought to the surface. 

As soon as they were in the air, Magnus eagerly placed his ear on Dan's left side, anxious to have to do cardiac resuscitation if he did not hear a beat.

" Boom...Boom...Boom...Boom"

" He's breathing ", he announced with relief, and closed his eyes with a smile, " He just passed out."

The Darkus brawler looked around him, looking for a safe place to lay the brown. In the distance, about ten meters, a platform floated.

" Take us to the platform there! " ordered Magnus to Nillius who nodded and flew slowly towards the place the boy had pointed out to him. He lowered the tail to put the two boys on the floating platform and watched the surroundings in case a controlled Bakugan attacked them.

Magnus lands, the brown always held against him thanks to his arm wrapped around his waist. He laid him on his back and rechecked his pulse, in the event of a cardiac arrest, but the heart still beat, albeit a little slowly. But it was probably the fainting. Then he took out of his pocket the little red ball he had picked up in the water earlier and placed it in the brown boy's hand, which he closed.

He walked away, ready to go with his partner, when he noticed a little brown strand stuck on his forehead and hiding one of his closed eyes. The boy with the ebony hair knelt down and gently pulled it aside, admiring for a few seconds the other boy's relaxed face. With a smile, he got up and jumped on his partner's back, and the two flew away from the platform.


Dan saw blurred when he opened his eyes, barely awake. He blinked, trying to get used to the light.

" Where am I ? " he asked aloud, sitting down.

" Oh yeah, we were hit hard", he said, remembering the last moments before he lost consciousness. He looked around, in search of the person who saved him from drowning: if it had been one of his friends, he would have stayed next to him and tried to wake him up...

Suddenly, he heard a bark and turned himself. 

" Lightning! " he cried, seeing the dog resting on the shell of Howlkor x Aquos.

" Dan, can you still battle? " asked the Bakugan, swimming towards him.

" Of course I can ! " answered the brown with a big, determined smile. " Our battle isn't over ! "

" Yeah, we're done ! " said Drago stirring. 


Magnus smiled as he saw a red and purple dragon flying towards the cargo ship.

" He quickly recovered ", he laughed, " Why am I surprised? It's Dan Kuzo, after all..."

He turned away from the scene, confident of the outcome of the fight and addressed his two partners.

" Okay, now we have to get all the Bakugan who have sunk. We're almost done."


" I'm so glad everyone is safe ", declared Benton looking at all the League participants with a relieved look, " and Tokyo has been saved."

" Wait, where are the Bakugans ? " Masato asked.

" Not to worry, they're here! " announced Mr. B by pushing a wagon filled with small balls of different colors.

" Magnus scooped them up from the ocean ", Benton answered.

Dan smiled when he heard this.

" I'll have to thank him next time we meet again..."

And maybe it was Magnus who got him out of the water, too? The only way to know would be to ask him directly, but oddly enough, he preferred to let the mystery soar and not have the exact answer.

Magnus Black x Dan KuzoWhere stories live. Discover now