Chapter 3

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Running down hallways left and right Jungkook stopped Infront of a door where he could hear his best friends voice. Putting his hand on the door he pushed it open and saw Jin and hoeseok talking.

He wanted slightly at the sight in relief and felt tears brim his eyes a bit. He was scared, scared about what the alpha did to him.

Taking small steps in the room he grew frustrated as it felt like a ton of bricks were pushed onto his shoulders and made it harder for him to walk

"Jin!" He cries out, Stopping and sitting at the couch next to him. He didn't notice that there at first

Jin snapped his head in Jungkooks direction. Seeing his feverish state he ran over to him along with hoeseok.

"Jungkook! What the hell happened to you!?" Jin practically yelled as he felt the omegas head. It was hot to the touch. Has he been having a fever all this time??

Jungkook whimpers as he felt the cold touch and leaned into his hand. It felt like he was running a fever of some sort. He knew he shouldn't had gone down there.

"I- I went to where the new alphas were at  a-and-"

"YOU WENT DOWN THERE BY YOURSELF?!?" Jin yelled shocked at Jungkook.

Jungkook nodded his head and looked down to his lap. Not wanting to meet his angry gaze. He knew it was dangerous to do that but he couldn't not leave them down there to starve. He knew what it was like to be starving and he didn't want the new patients to feel that way.

"Yes I d-did and as I was handing one of the Alphas some food he grabbed my wrist and marked me!" He all but sobbed out as he remembered it.

Hoeseok and Jin gasped with shock at the information. Jin grabbed the sleeve where there was some blood at and saw bite marks on his wrist.

Jin's face morphed into a hard glare as he that the alpha had temporary marked him as his. An act alphas do when they want a certain omega. And him running away from the alpha is causing him to have a fever as usually you need to stay by the alpha.

Hoeseok looked at his wrist with a frown and scratched the back of his head with a sigh.

"We need to take him back home" hoeseok stated as his condition will only worsen the more he's near the alpha. His fever should go down by tomorrow and the bite will probably fade the longer he's away from the alpha.

Jin nodded his head and picked Jungkook up and sat him in his arms. Jungkook leaned his head on Jin's chest and closed his eyes.

Walking out the room Jin and hoeseok made there way towards the Exit. Trembling slightly as a deep howl shook the building. It sounded less deep than the black haired alpha's howl, the howl made Jungkook whimper slightly and snuggle more into Jin's chest.

Waking up the next morning Jungkook felt relatively better as it seemed like his fever went away completely. Thought the mark was still there to tell him otherwise. Now instead of a bite mark it was like two scars were there instead.

Jin sighed in relief as he walked in his room and saw him completely fine once again. He was worried sick all night and could barely get any sleep cause of it. He smiled tiredly and knocked on the door to get Jungkooks attention.

"It's good to see you better again" Jin stated with a small smile.

Jungkook smiled and winced slightly as he saw how tired Jin looked.

"Yeah, and I'm sorry about yesterday. You should just sleep in today you look exhausted" Jungkook stated worriedly.

Jin only waved his hand at Jungkook with shake of his head. He couldn't miss work. Especially when today is the day where the alphas is finally getting there first treatment. The first treatment is always the most important for alphas.

"I'm fine and I got atleast a couple hours of sleep. now get dressed we're gonna be late" he said before exiting the room.

Walking Inside the building hoeseok stills as loud banging and snarling echoes throughout the building. Gulping he looks at Jin and saw his shivering state as Jin stares at the open doors the alphas were in. He gulped, hoping that they only moved them to their new rooms

"JUNGKOOK, HOESEOK, SEOKJIN. WE NEED SOME ASSISTANCE DOWN HERE!" A person yells as he saw the omegas coming in. Relief filled him and the others around him as they needed help. Badly.

Looking over in there direction there eyes widen as they saw some blood dripping down his sleeve.

Jin rushed over and grabbed his arm to examine in immediately only to see no open wounds or anything. He chuckles as he saw Jin checking him first before pulling his arm away.

"It's not my blood don't worry. It's something concerning the new patients though.." he said and looked back at a door that was banging loudly.

The three omegas gulped and followed his gaze.

"Are they hurt....?" Jin asked with a concern voice.

Upon hearing the voice of his mate the black haired alpha perked his head up and howled deeply to his mate. Hoping for him to hear his call and come to him. He was getting impatient as he barely saw his omega.

Jin's body shook as the howl directed towards him and he blushed deeply as he saw one of his mentors glare at the door. Somehow he felt really embarrassed.

"We'll that's the first I heard him do that....anyways each of you will have to help your mentors as they will be trying to help them" he said looking at each of the omegas.

The omegas nodded there head even when they didn't want too. Especially Jungkook as the one alpha had marked him. He wasn't sure he could even be in a room with the alpha.

"Great! We already have them in there designated rooms. You just need to find your mentor and assistant them in the room with them" he said with a positive attitude. Ignoring the way the three looked uncomfortable. It wasn't the first time they felt uncomfortable when doing the job since they were omegas but they had to push through it.

Walking around, trying to find there mentors Jin was the first to find his standing outside a room.

"Seokjin! Finally your here, Set you bag down and come inside." He said to Jin before opening the door. He stepped inside and immediately the low growling and snarling started again. The alpha didn't like him, especially now since he smelled his mate on him. The only thing holding him back was his wolf who prevented him from doing so. Not the chains that they put on him. He could easily break off the chains if he want.

Jin sighed and set his bag down on the floor. Walking to the door he opened it before stepping inside. Upon entering he froze as he once again saw the black haired alpha. Sitting and snarling at his mentor before stopping and staring at him. He gulped as he saw how one of the alphas eyes turn red. It frightened him and bit.

As the alpha looked at the brown gleaming eyes of his mate he and his wolf gleamed with joy as there calling howl seemed to finally work. With a victorious growl he broke the chains on his hands.

Jin and the mentors eyes widen with more shock as the alpha broke the chains easily.

"Those were the strongest kind we got too.."  the mentor muttered under his breath as he took a scared step back. He was gonna make a break for it towards the door as he didn't want to end up in the hospital along with the rest of his workers.

Jin just stood there as he watch the alpha march his way over to him. He was too scared to do anything that his body disabled him from running away.

The alpha could feel his tail wag mentally as his mate didn't run from him. With one move the alpha scooped his mate in his huge arms and nuzzled Jin's neck as he lets out his own wood scent. He was a bit rusty at doing so since he almost never let out his scent since he never felt safe doing so.

After scenting his mate he pulled back and saw his mates sleeping face and gleamed. Walking past the mentor still in the room he ripped the door open with his free hand and walked out he room, shocking the people outside the room.

He didn't pay them no mind and simply walked past them. Wanting to hurry to the nest he made for them as he can better protect his mate from the alphas their.

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