He smiled slightly. "As you wish, My Queen."


Everyone in the cave could clearly hear the fight outside.

But no one noticed the flaming torch tossed in until several Drip Leaves caught fire. Within seconds, the plants were consumed with flame, blocking the exit. Kane watched as Endermen began to teleport away faster than he could blink, leaving Ciara and him alone.

He grabbed his pack. "Ciara, is there any way to get out of here? Please tell me we aren't going to burn to death!"

She looked up at him. "I don't have to tell you because we're not."

Grabbing his hand, she dragged him to the hole in the floor leading to the abandoned mineshaft. Without hesitation, she pushed him in, jumping down seconds later with stone in hand. She filled the hole as quickly as possible, throwing them into total darkness as they listened to the fire roar overhead.

"Kane I can't see."

"One moment." Carefully making sure his pack was upright, he felt through the pockets until he pulled out a torch. He struck it against the wall, the flame flickering to life. "An abandoned mineshaft. Well, this is creepy."

Ciara bit her lip. "Yup."

"Is something wrong?"

"Nope. Anyway, we that leads downward so we clearly need to go that way."

Kane gave her a worried look before following her.


Spinner and Alexis had forced Echo to stop. Now the Enderkin was staring miserably at the fire. 

Roxas glanced at her. "Why are you so miserable?"

She sighed. "I'm trying to find someone. And if I don't get there in time, something terrible will happen to them."

"Oh," Roxas glanced over to a nearby tree grove. "I'll say, who on earth is that?"

On a reflex, Echo jumped to her feet, grabbed her staff, and pointed it at the figure in question. "Don't you move or--wait, are you a Piglin-Enderman hybrid?"

The little creature threw her hands up. "Please don't hurt me! We were already attacked by the scary airship!"

"Wait, what?" Echo knelt in front of her, placing the staff on the ground. "Who was 'we'? Tell me what happened."

"'We' was the Endermen," the girl hugged herself. "Hogsworth told me I had to go with the hooded lady and the bearded Enderman. He said I would be safer with them, but Hogsworth was wrong!"

"Do you know where they are now?"

"No. We had to scatter when they began shooting at us. I'm scared!"

"It's okay. You're safe now. What's your name?"


"Well, Blossom, don't worry. I know the hooded lady and the bearded Enderman. I'll find them and help you get back to Hogsworth."

Blossom nodded and Roxas looked around. "Alright, who exactly are you people?"


Gwendolyn stumbled along, her hand on the mountain stone to keep her upright. Her head was pounding and she kept nervously tugging on her hood, the only thing keeping her from being recognized from overhead. Her boot caught on a stone and she hissed in pain as she fell to the ground.

Then a familiar voice asked, "Is someone there?"

She looked up. "Lance? Is that you?"

"Gwen? Oh, thank goodness. Maybe I'm not that lost after all." He appeared from the nearby bushes, helping her to her feet.

She couldn't help but stare at him. He was the filthiest she had ever seen him, but what really caught her attention was his eyes. "Lance, what...?"

"Oh, that...we're not exactly sure what happened, but all my Enderkin powers are gone. I can't teleport and I can't wield magic."

"What are you doing all the way out here then?!"

"Everyone agreed that I should join the rest of the Ender Watchers. Speaking of," he looked past her. "Where is everyone else?"

Gwen sucked in a breath, knowing Lance wasn't going to be happy to hear the tale. "During that storm, we were attacked by an airship. Ceris, she...she got captured."

Lance appeared to stop breathing. "What?"

"I tried to save her, but if I didn't run I would've been captured too. I'm sorry."


Ceris' eyes fluttered open, her shallow breathing loud in her ears. She knew in an instant she was in the End; the familiar light giving a sense of comfort before certain doom. Chains bound her wrists and ankles bolted her to the wall, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't teleport. With a frustrated growl, she scanned the room, stopping dead at what was to her left.

"Zeganirn!" She crawled over to him, her chains just long enough for her to reach his side. The Enderman was covered in bruises and deep cuts, most of which still had fresh blood on them. His eyes cracked open and he studied her for a few moments before letting them slide closed again.

"We're done with him for today."

Ceris jumped and looked behind her. Kralos stood there, polishing a blade. "However, the day is fresh for you. I am interested to see how you long you can last before you break," with a mocking tone, he added, "Welcome back, Queen Ceris."


A/N: I love leaving y'all on cliff-hangers

Lights Out (Book 2 of the &quot;Living Nightmare&quot; series)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu