The Unfinished Love

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It all started on the day of 29 June 2022 when I first got the text from Smile
It was 8:39 PM I was chilling around with my sister and when I see the text
*replied to Your story
it was a gym pic I just shared on my story
that's how it all started ended up talking all night
after a week of talking all night, the school finally started, and we came to see each other for the very first time
though I knew smile as a person who was very participative in school
turns out smile had 0 clues about a person I existed before we started to talk on Insta
as far as I remember first we'd talk it was way before 29 Sept when I made a meme page on a common friend of ours to which smile replied
after a week of school being started, we were really good friends
smile used to teach me how to flirt
and I used to end up saying " teach me how to flirt so I can flirt with you "
it was dumbly funny I'd say.
I think it was around 15 July smile held my hand
I was completely zoned out of what the heck just happened
Days passed by I started to hold hands with Smile more often a few times outside too it was going all lovely

I started to loved smile

it was 1 august smile told she had a crush on a guy
Long story short
I started to lose hope, the world started to end up because it seemed like the guy was about to take Smile away from me
it hurt a lot seeing that they were getting pretty serious
but I just shut down after seeing that it made Smile happy being with him
it made me happy that she was well and happy

but in the end, they didn't end up together things got pretty rough

I supported smile a lot through her thick and thin, regardless of what i'd felt

we had our first date in the rain after a few days
we weren't dating at the time but it definitely wasn't just a hangout with a friend
just the two of us in the rain holding hands walking the wet roads
sharing our deepest secrets
it was all I ever wanted

A few days went by our friends were getting suspicious of us dating but we weren't at the time it was going all lovely
a month goes by smile was in search of a coaching class
I suggested Smile join mine which Smile ended up joining it was 3 Sept the day smile joined my class
the following day the lunch break me and Smile came to my home I introduced her to my parents as my best friend
it was good
after class, I dropped her to the metro and gave her a Forehead kiss
it was lovely
she had gained feelings for me too
the next day while we were on the way to drop her
she confessed
her feeling for me
me who'd already given her my feelings at the moment
Didn't give her a reply
I took a step and hugged her
and said I LOVE YOU
followed by our first Kiss
it was lovely
life started to feel like.... yeah it's worth living!

it was 8 Sept 2022
Smile came up to my place because we'd to head coaching from there
but it turns out we'd a 3 hours layover before
so we stayed at my place
my mom had to leave for some work
it was just the 2 of us for the next 3 hours
we shared so many secrets with each other
we had "our time together"

2 weeks of dating go by
2 weeks of absolutely most enjoyable moments of my life
then comes the date 18sept
while texting Smile suddenly messages go up to be *Seen just now*
no replies
as a normal person, I thought she got busy
1 hour
2 hour
nor reply
I text her if everything's all right or not
no reply
life started to feel blank not texting her
The next day I reach coaching and I had to leave early
when I come out our coaching manager calls me in
turns out Smile's dad came to know about our dating and he isn't happy about it
putting it short for the next 1 week NO CONTACT WITH HER
I see her I try to talk but she isn't ready to
a few of our coaching friends try to get us talking
it worked
she tells me the whole scenario and how it is

I felt heartbroken
rather than raging up that suddenly how can she do this to me
I gained my senses quickly enough to realize that it isn't something both of us can control

Another week goes by we were talking a little sometimes but not much
the day of another rain comes by
seems like other students left before us
it was just the two of us
it gave me the time to TALK
we talked
a lot I'd say
in the end, she says "it is over we can't be together"
I accepted it because I had no other choice
I ask her
is it okay to have momos together for the last time?
she says sure
we'd momos together I dropped her off at BUS for the last time and the rain accompanied us again the nostalgia, the memories, the good time, it was all good
it was all we both ever wanted
while leaving she says " I hope to see you in IIT "
the line brightens up my mood
it isn't over yet
it isn't
the feelings never leave
to which I reply " which IIT is it gonna be? "
she knew that my goal isn't IIT it was NUS
but ✨Love changes people✨
with the smile
It was a farewell
a happy one
tears fell down my eyes
but the tears were a blend of happiness and sorrow
sorrow felt down my heart not being able to live it now
happiness up my mind knowing sorrow won't last forever


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