Chapter 28

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"Maya?" I hear someone whisper my name. I open my eyes and see Dylan is awake. I guess I dozed off.

"Dylan? How are you feeling?" I ask taking off his gauze and checking his stitches. He winced which makes me draw back.

"Sorry," I say before applying a new piece of gauze.

"Where are we?" he asks.

"My house. Everything is going to be ok. My mom sent a distress signal to my home planet and if they saw it, then I can go back to find out why I was sent here," I say.

"Oh. Well how long will that take?" he asks.

"I'm not sure," I say.

"Oh. Ok," he looks a little upset but I'm not sure why.

I stand up and go back to my mom's office.

"Anything new?" I ask. She's staring at her screen intently looking at the Kepler star system.

"Not yet. The static I'm receiving is still steady. Not much change," she says. I watch with her and suddenly see a flash.

"Did you see that?" I ask. My mom looks at the place I'm pointing at.

"No," she says questionably.

"Oh. Must've been my imagination," I say quietly. We continue to stare at the screen until I see the flash again.

"There! I saw it again," I say pointing at the place I saw the flash of light.

"Maya there's nothing there," my mother says.

"I know I saw it," I say. She just shakes her head and keeps watching the screen.

I see another small flash. "Can I see this?" I ask grabbing the mouse and zooming into the place I saw the flash come from. It's between the planets that I saw the flash come from. I stare at it and see another one this time a little farther.

"They're coming," I whisper to myself.

"Maya what are you looking at?" my mother asks.

"Nothing," I say trying to hide my eagerness.

I run back out into the living room and sit next to Dylan.

"What are you all excited about?" he asks looking up from the TV.

"They're coming. They've been warning me by communicating through my thoughts," I say.

"Who?" he asks.

"The aliens. My people," I say.

"Oh. Umm congratulations," he says.

"Dylan what's wrong? Every time I talk about it you get all sad," I say.

"It's just...I don't know if this whole thing is a good idea. I mean no offense but what if they're bad? What if they are here to kill us?" he asks. I stare at him in disbelief.

"You really think they would hurt you? They're here to help you. I saw it in a dream," I say.

"And what exactly do they want to do to help us?" he asks.

"I...I'm not sure," I say upset.

"Exactly so we don't know if they're here to destroy us," he says.

"Trust me Dylan. I know that's not what they're going to do," I say. He shakes his head but drops the subject.

"The news is raging on about you. They've shut down the whole city of London. They've shut down the airports, not letting anyone leave or come. This is a big deal," he says looking at me with concern.

"Not for long it won't be. They will be here soon and I can do what they sent me here for," I say referring "they" as the aliens.


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