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<Aniyah's outfit on top>
• Jealousy?
• Weird feeling

... New day, back at East high hallways...

Sharpay: Callback! Ahh!

Sharpay fans herself as she and her brother stare at the callback sheet.

Ryan: (reading from the Call Back sheet) Callback for roles Arnold and Minnie next Thursday, 3:30 PM. Ryan and Sharpay Evans. Gabriella Montez and Troy Bolton.

Sharpay: Is this some kind of joke? They didn't even audition!

Ryan: Maybe we're being punked.

Sharpay: What?

Ryan: Maybe we're being filmed right now. Maybe we'll get to meet Ashton.

Sharpay: Oh shut up, Ryan!

Aniyah, Zeke, Chad, and Jason walk up beside them and laugh.

Chad: What's wrong?

The basketball players and the cheerleader read the list. Chad's face falls, and the boys look confused.

Aniyah: What?

Chad and Aniyah glance at Ryan and Sharpay in disbelief before walking away. Sharpay storms off and the others step up for a closer look.

... At the East High cafeteria...

On the middle level of the cafeteria, Sharpay paces back and forth in front of the railing. Behind her is the thespian posse, including Ryan and Kelsi.
Sharpay: How dare she sign up? I've already chosen colors for my dressing room!

Ryan: And she hasn't even asked our permission to join the drama club.

Sharpay slams the table.

Sharpay: Someone's gotta tell her the rules.

Ryan: Exactly. (Ryan pauses) And what are the rules?

Sharpay scoffs and walks back to the railing. Chad is at a table with jocks and cheerleaders. Behind them, Zeke paces on the platform. Zeke begins to sing and gets his group's attention. He throws a ball to another guy. He steps up and puts his arms around Chad and another jock. The group encourages everyone to move closer. The group looks confused when Zeke tells them he loves to bake. The group dances and pushes down Zeke into his seat.
Martha reads a book and begins to sing. Her friends put their hands towards her and encourage her to share. Martha stands and strikes some hip-hop poses. They point to the books and wag their fingers at Martha.
At the skater's table, another guy begins to share his secret. He plays a cello and motions playing it with his hands. The skaters shake their hands and heads dramatically. They motion skateboarding and shake their arms.
Sharpay and Ryan watch the students at the lunch tables below in just dance. The skater plays the cello. Aniyah plays with a basketball. A student break dances on the floor. Martha dances on a table with a jock. A cheerleader ruffles Chad's hair. He tosses a basketball behind him and rolls on the floor before leaping to his feet. The scene becomes more and more chaotic with the different groups

Sharpay sings in protest as she paces behind the rail. The students begin to become self-conscious and retreat to their circles. Sharpay looks at Aniyah to join her, and Aniyah plus Ryan join Sharpay at the rail. Sharpay puts a hand up to stop Ryan and sing. They sing together.

The students are all seated. The skater pops up from the table and is pulled down by his posse. Martha stands and her posse shakes their hands. Zeke puts a knee up on the table seat, holding crème brûlée. The jocks put their fingers to their hands and Zeke's crème brûlée flips over.

Sharpay yells 'Quiet'. Taylor and Gabriella walk in.

Gabriella: Why is everybody staring at you?

Taylor: Not me, you.

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