"MORNING BREATH?!" Both girls exclaim in unison.

Offended they both glare at them "rude." Before they both storm out.

"Great.... now you did it." Kirishima sighs making his way out.

Lifting an eyebrow Bakugo straps on his bag and follows "Did what?"

As they all make their way into the forest, they see the girls waiting on them both looking irritated.

Taking a deep breath Kirishima looks sideways at Bakugo who just looks bored. As they stop in front of them Kirishima clears his throat. "Alright." Clapping his hands together in excitement "So who's ready to beat this thing?!" Only met by silence he starts chuckling nervously "Alright..."

Walking past him Bakugo just starts walking ahead "Let's get a fuckin move on and get this shit over with. We better make it back first. If you can't keep up, I'm leaving your asses behind."

Sheepishly smiling at them he jogs to catch up with him. Looking over his shoulder he sees the girls following behind them while talking to each other glaring at them.

Looking at their path ahead he simple sighs "Dude remind me to teach you how to talk to girls."


"Are we there yet?" Mina groaned after they'd already been walking in the forest for a couple hours.


"How about now?"

Gritting his teeth Bakugo glared back "No. For the millionth time." Before refocusing his attention to the front.

"Hmmm how much longerrrr?" Uraraka whined slouching her shoulders.

"Hopefully not too long."

"But how longggg?"

"Just an hour or two longer. Don't you guys have your damn watches on?" he looked over his shoulder annoyed.

"We do." Uraraka smiled.

"But we figured you already knew where you were going. So, we trust you." Mina finished with a smile.

Rubbing his temple, he just clenched his fists. 'Stay calm Katsuki. Just breath.'

"Unless you're lost that is...." Uraraka says innocently looking at their surroundings.

Whirling around he glared at her. "And why the fuck would you think I would get lost?"

Shrugging her shoulder, she glanced at Mina for a second who was smirking before continuing. "Well, it's just that... we've been walking for a while now and haven't as so much as seen one flag..." she carefully looked up at him slightly flinching at how dangerous his eyes looked. "But if you don't know that's fine."

Huffing, he stomps over to her before turning around and pointing towards a large mountain. "See that huge ass mountain over there? That's where the fuck we're going! Now, anymore dumb ass questions?!" He flicks her on the forehead before looking between the two girls. "Ok, now move your asses!" He turns back around making his way to the front.

Uraraka rubs her forehead pouting "Meanie."

Ten minutes later...

"Are we there yet?"

Slowly breathing in and out Bakugos eye keeps twitching "No!"



"Dude I really have to go." Kirishima says urgently.

"OK. THAT'S IT!" He stomps his foot letting off small explosions. "WE'RE TAKING A DAMN BREAK. BUT AFTER THAT YOU GUYS BETTER GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!" and with that he makes his way towards one of the trees throwing his bag down and slumps against the tree trunk closing his eyes.

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